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King Skywalker, his band of Nubian freedom fighters, the Jedi, Padme', and Gungan officials, including Jar Jar Binks, stood at the edge of the swamps and grasslands south of the capital of Theed waiting for Captain Panaka to return from his reconnaissance.

The reconnaissance mission was the first part of Anakin's plan. He had sent Captain Panaka to Theed to scout the Federation's stance in the capital and to see if there was any resistance against the Federation. If so, he were to bring the leaders back so they could develop a plan using the resistance forces inside Theed as well.

Now, all that the group could do was wait for the Captain's return and hope for the best.

It was during this time that Boss Nass sidled up to a very shaky Jar Jar Binks with some very important news.

"Jar Jar Binks," Boss Nass said as he came to stand beside the other Gungan. "Yousa doen da grand thing for da Gungans. Bringin us and da Naboo together was a very brave thing to do, mesa thinks." 

"No, no," Jar Jar said modestly.

"Yousa a grand warrior. So, mesa makin yousa a Gungan general," Boss Nass said honorably.

"What? Oh noah! No, no, no!" Jar Jar said before he passed out beside the chuckling Gungan leader.

Boss Nass left there and moved over toward the small council of the Naboo King, the Jedi, the Naboo freedom fighters and high official Gungan warriors.


Padme' wandered over to the base of a statue that rose majestically out of the plains. She had been left at loose ends and had nothing to do except wander around. She had unconsciously made her way toward the statue seeking solitude to go over the morning in her mind. More overly, Anakin's revelation of him being the King of Naboo. Padme' was shocked, today the least. And completely confused.

Padme' sat down in front of the statue and looked up to see a Gungan scout perched on top of it with a pair of macro binoculars to his eyes. He was searching for the scouting party of Captain Panaka's.

Padme' looked down to her feet again and thought about Anakin's true identity. He was a King. And she was a slave. A slave! She was dirt at his feet. How could she ever be friends or care about someone that was so far above her. How could he even talk to her! She was a slave. Someone who shouldn't even be noticed by someone as important as royalty. Padme' so desperately wanted to talk to Anakin about this but there wasn't an opportunity to do so at this time. 

Padme' supposed that Anakin being a King changed everything between them. She really hoped it didn't because she was still very much as fond of him as she was before. She didn't even care of he was a King. She still cared deeply for him. She felt she always would.

Padme' looked over to see Anakin talking in the small conference. Nothing had worked out for him in the last few days. Nothing had worked out for any of her new friends. And is seemed that nothing would work out for her.

Her thoughts broke suddenly as a shout from the Gungan above her brought her back to the present situation. 

"Desya comin. Mesa can see dim comin," the scout shouted.

Padme' smiled and ran off toward Anakin. She ran as fast as her little legs would carry her. 

"They're on their way back," Padme said as she reached the group.

"Good. They made it just in time," Anakin said with a smile toward the young girl. Padme' caught it and looked away shamefully. Anakin masked his wonderment as Captain Panaka pulled up beside them in a speeder.

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