13|The Senate

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The Jedi Temple stood alone out of the main sprawl of the buildings most common on Coruscant. Speeders, freighters , and transports passed by it unceasingly, taking no notice of its beauty and the goings on within. To most, it was the sacred dwelling of the Jedi Knights. A place of contemplation, peace and calm. It was the place where the Jedi of the Republic learnt and trained to become the peace keepers of the galaxy. 

The Temple's spires were alive with activity, but none more so than the central spire. Inside that spire sat the Jedi Council. Twelve esteemed members of the Order sat in a circular formation that made the council chamber. And today was no different. All members were seated in the places facing the two Jedi in the center. Today, those Jedi were Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Qui-Gon was telling the council of all that had come to pass on him and his apprentice's mission to Naboo and the strange events that had occurred after. As was the custom, Qui-Gon stood forward more so and Obi-Wan stood at the respectful distance behind his master, listening attentively to what Qui-Gon was saying. 

"My conclusion, masters, it that the one who attacked me was in fact a Sith Lord." 

The silence that followed was some what unnerving, to say the least. It was a awhile before any members of the council spot up. And the first to do so was a Cerean Jedi Knight.

"Impossible. It cannot be. The Sith have been extinct for over a millennia. It could not have been a Sith." Ki-Adi-Mundi stated.

"Possible it is, attacked Qui-Gon was by a Sith. Threatened the Republic is, if involved the Sith are." The Jedi Master Yoda spoke. The green being was the smallest in stature of all the Jedi, but the strongest at heart and mind.

"Your suspicions are well noted. But this news is difficult to accept Qui-Gon. I find it hard to believe that the Sith  could have returned without us knowing," said the dark skinned Mace Windu.

Hard to see, the dark side is, but discover this assassin, we must," came the gravelly voice of Yoda.

"It is possible that this attacker may strike again," Ki-Adi suggested.

"I agree. I believe that this attack was meant to ascertain the King," Mace stated.

"Qui-Gon, stay with the King you will. Protect him, you must," Yoda finished.

"We will use every resource possible to discover the identity of your attacker. May the Force be with you Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi," Mace said dismissively.

Obi-Wan bowed low and started to leave. He stopped suddenly when he realized his master was not following. He turned quickly to see is master still standing patiently in the speakers circle. Obi-Wan stood to the side, knowing exactly what was about to come.

"More tp say, have you, Qui-Gon Jinn?" Yoda asked.

"With your permission, my masters, upon our stay on Tatooine, I encountered a vergence in the Force," Qui-Gon stated steadily.

"A vergance, you say," Yoda questioned.

"Located around a person?" Mace asked.

"A young girl." Qui-Gon stated. "She has the largest concentration of midi-chlorians I have ever seen in a life-form. The readings were far over twenty thousand, too far to find a proper reading on the King's transport's computer. And it is extremely possible that she was conceived by the midi-chlorians themselves."

"You're referring to the prophecy of the Chosen One. The one who will bring balance to the Force. I sense you strongly believe this girl to be the Chosen One," Mace stated.

"I don't presume." 

"But you do, Qui-Gon," Yoda interrupted.

"I requested that the girl be tested, Masters." Qui-Gon said, skipping all forms of pretense.

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