19|The Duel

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On the grass plains South of Theed the battle between the Trade Federation and the Gungans was in full swing. Amphibious limbs fought close quarters against metal shells and bolsters. Row upon row of metal adversaries were still coming through the Gungan shields swarming on the Gungans. The Federation Army was much larger but the Gungans were still fighting valiantly and holding off the attack.

Jar Jar Binks was in the thick of battle. He swung his weapon, a broken energy spear, back and forth cutting and decapitating droid after droid. He became caught in the loose wiring of one of his destroyed foes and could not escape as another road marched toward him, seeking to end his life. Jar Jar's clumsiness came to his rescue as he dived under the droid, the blaster attached to the droid caught around his leg firing at the other droid, destroying it. Jar Jar continued to jump, duck, dive and roll, the blaster of the droid caught around his leg firing away clearing a path before him free of enemies.

When no more enemies converged on the poor Gungan, a loud cry went up for him by the Gungans closest to him as they began to swarm around Jar Jar pushing forward to continue with the attack. Jar Jar had begun to prove his worth to his fellow fighters and they were beginning to believe in his ability. They swarmed around for his protection as well as theirs and began to fight with renewed vigor. 


In response to their loss of droids, commander OOM-9 released the droidekas. They rolled from the Federation transports and through the Gungan shields transforming into battle mode immediately. Gungans and kaadu alike were shot down but more Gungan soldiers took their place forcing the dreidekas to slow. 

Back and forth between the two Armies, the battle raged on undecidedly.


Padme' Naberrie swore to herself then and there that nothing was going to happen to either Anakin or Qui-Gon. Of course, to think that was foolish, especially knowing how difficult that promise was going to be to keep. But deep down in her heart, her bravery and courage swelled forming the strength she needed to keep that promise and act on her instinct. Padme' watched in deep concentration, the scene below her. 

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan moved into contact with the Sith Lord, their lightsabers meeting in a fierce clash of light and heat. The Sith Lord moved between them, holding his own effectively between the two Jedi fighting harmoniously in tune with each other. Parry after parry, blow after blow, step after step, slash after slash, the three combatants gave no ground, held off on their own quarters and fought a no holds barred duel with the fierce and powerful Sith Lord. Padme' watched in fascination, the dance the Jedi were making as they moved against their opponent trying to find a weakness in his attack and exploit it. 

But just as suddenly, Padme' attention flew back to Anakin as he led the group toward the side entrance. Just in front of his group, three droidekas rolled in and unfurled themselves launching into battle mode immediately and firing down on the Naboo freedom fighters. Laser bolts fired ceaseless toward Anakin as he moved behind a pillar of stone and fired back at the droidekas threatening him. Padme look on in horror as Anakin ducked behind his shield a little too late and received a scorch on his right cheek and shoulder. Padme's determination strengthened as she looked down at the controls of the fighter searching for the trigger to destroy the machines that would harm Anakin. 

"Artoo, which one is it? I can't read anything here," she said in frustration as she looked over the controls. 'Artoo, I can't find the trigger. Is it this one?" 

Padme' pushed a button beside what looked to be the ships steering controls. The result was that the fighter's engines ignited and the ship shook as it moved gently away from its moorings.

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