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Draco looked out the window, the night had fallen and he couldn't sleep, he had his half-empty bottle in his hand, looking at the black lake glistening under the moon, the squid was splashing around on the surface

He pushed away from the window and noticed he was thirsty, he left his bedroom and stumbled towards the small kitchen that was built into the head dorms, he walked past the common room and didn't notice the head girl sitting by the fire, although she did notice the head boy stumbling into the kitchen

She tried to sneak back to her room but was kind of difficult considering she was somewhat tipsy, since she couldn't sleep on her own she would find other alternatives to get through the days, she was able to successfully go to her room

Draco stumbled back into the common room, he thought he had seen something but shrugged it off as him being too drunk

He went back to his room and went to sit by the window once again, he admired the constellations, if there was one tradition he wanted to pass on in his family was naming his children after the stars

He then chuckled humourlessly, he was never going to have a family, he didn't deserve it, he was a deatheater and whoever actually fell in love with him would only ruin their lives, and he was many things, but he wasn't that selfish, no matter how much he wanted it, he knew he didn't deserve happiness, not after everything he has done

Leaned against the wall and kept drinking until he couldn't think anymore, somewhere through the night he fell into a dreamless sleep


He woke up the next day with a pain in his neck, groaned with the pain of a hangover and a stiff neck, not the best way to start his day

Getting up he slowly walked towards the conjoined bathroom, looking into the mirror, he noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was in an unruly mess, at that moment he believed he could give Hermione Granger's hair a run for its money, he did his necessities, his hair decided to misbehave and not cooperate, giving up frustrated he stormed back into his room and changed into his uniform, grabbing his book bag and wand he left his room and walked into the common room, Hermione was exiting her room whilst putting her hair in a bun when she saw Draco's hair she froze and raised an eyebrow

"Gee Malfoy, I understand that you love my unruly hair but there is no need to copy it," she said

"Why would I willingly try to look like you?" Draco spat

"Someone's moody in the morning, seriously Malfoy, how drunk were you last night?" Hermione questioned him

"You saw me? They call those type of people stalkers"

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, moving towards the portrait

"I heard you, seriously, I thought Slytherins were supposed to be sneaky, you sounded like an elephant at the library"

She opened the portrait and stepped out, Draco followed her and closed the portrait

"You would know, you spend half your life in the bloody library," Draco said

"That doesn't even make sense Malfoy, and besides I am quiet in the library, unlike you, weren't you banned from the library in our third year? Considering the fact that you seemed to focus more on the slags instead of the books, you probably have an STD" Hermione said, she kept walking in hopes that he'll leave her alone

"What in Merlin's beard is an 'STD'?" Draco questioned, falling into step with her, much to her annoyance

"A sexually transmitted disease, if you spent more time in the books instead of trying to feel up the monthly scrubber, you would know," Hermione said

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