Burying the Past Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

The man inside this mansion.

And tonight, she laid her ghosts to rest.

You went to move towards the mansion but Betsy held out her arm.

Betsy: I need to do this myself. You two wait here.

Y/N: What? No way. We're going with you.

Jubilee: You need our help.

Betsy looked at both of you and shook her head.

Betsy: This is my battle. My war. You two don't need to be a part of it.

You stepped towards her.

Y/N: You can't go in there alone.

Betsy looked at you and sighed.

Betsy: Then, please forgive me.

She leaned forward and kissed you which caught you off guard. She then pulled away.

Betsy: Sleep.

You felt your mind go blank, and your eyes closed as you fell back. Betsy caught you and gently laid you down on the ground. She then looked up at Jubilee.

Jubilee: Uh....I'll just...stay here....and watch over him.

Betsy smiled and stood back up. She then took a deep breath and turned to the estate. For her, everything ends tonight.
Guard: <Do you copy?>

The guard listened for his radio to respond but there was no answer. Before he could ask again, he was hit in the neck from behind which knocked him to the floor. A purple blade in his neck that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Betsy moved silently and quickly to the next guard who she stabbed in the leg then knocked out on the floor. She looked up and surveyed the area for whoever was left.

She vanished into the shadows and emerged behind another guard. She locked her arms around him and pulled him into the darkness. She appeared once again and spotted the final guard.

Guard: <Matsu'o>

Radio: <Speaking>

Guard: <Someone is here>

He cocked his gun and looked around.

Matsu'o: <I understand>

Betsy placed a hand on the back of the guards neck and pushed forward with her powers. The man spat out blood and dropped to his knees. Before he fell forward, Betsy grabbed his radio and walked into the mansion.

Betsy: We had made our peace, Matsu'o. For everything you done for me, I forgave you. Now, you went too far.

Matsu'o: I expect nothing less, Elizabeth.

Betsy suddenly felt another mind in the room.

Matsu'o: You know where to find me.

Betsy dropped the radio and turned around. A thought too fast to catch. Too excited and too filled with thrill.

The person whose mind it was, then kicked her in the face and sent her to the ground. Betsy quickly leaped up and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Betsy: You.

???: <Get up, assassin. Let's have some....fun?>

The woman looked at Betsy confused.

???: Psylocke? Well, this is awkward. Had I known you were alive, I wouldn't have kicked you in the face. Are you here to help?

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