What Started

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He heard it.. Screaming.. Alarms.. Gunshot, and in that quick moment. He snapped. Like some deep feral instinct he was holding back for years.
His weapons were reattached.. But held back by some sort of restrainment chip dug deep in his pak. He took his pak off, forcing it open and ripping it out. A smaller alarm in his room went off, but he didn't care. No one was gonna stop him.
He put his pak back on.. It's old coding all flooded back to him.. it slightly shocked him. It felt like an old piece of him had came back.. And he felt strong.

Zim took his pak legs out, and stabbed the door. It fell in a few quick seconds of him then running into it.. He glared around, like a hawk looking for prey.
Zim easily found what he was looking for.. The same guard who had held him down months ago... who had ruined his escape plan. Stood over Dib, who was now bleeding.

He really did come back for him..

This.. Sparked something else in Zim.. A sense of need... He needed to win this fight. If Dib really tried that hard.. Shouldn't he?

The gun pointed at Zim, as the other human laughed at him.. "Foolish.. I'll be laughing the same when I kill you." Zim moved toward the human.
"It's funny.. because you won't be winning this fight." They smiled at him.. an ugly smile... Zim couldn't hold back anymore. He ran forward, another gunshot. He just about missed. He felt the wind of the bullet by the side of his face. Zim jumped onto the human..
Raising a pak leg, he prepared to strike. The attack failed, the human shot him in the arm in panic. Zim screamed, and let go. The human pushed him off.

Zim got up. He wasn't over that quickly, but he was then shot in the leg.. falling again.
He felt the gun at his head... He paused.. retracting his pak legs... He really had lost now hadn't he? And in what felt like forever.. he cried.. he failed again. Just like always.. even when it counted most.
What felt like an easy battle had lead to defeat. Until there was another sound.. blood spilling on the floor..
'What happened? ' his mind raced... He looked up... Seeing Gir on top the human cutting at him with a knife. Zim stared at the robot amazed. "G-Good work Gir. "
Gir looked at him, and smiled, the human fell as Gir jumped off them, "Maaasterrrr!!! We maade it!! We maadeee iiit!!!!" Gir screamed happily, hugging Zims face... Zim sighed.. he had missed his annoying robot to an extent. "Alright Gir. Let go. We need to get Dib somewhere safe.. "
He looked at the human... clearly passed out.. he wasn't shot in the skull.. just his shoulder... He was lucky. Zim could fix him easy. Gir nodded to Zim, and started dragging Dib.. Zim sighed and picked Dib up.. Though how tall he was... And how small Zim was.. This was hard. But they'd get though this.

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