•Chapter 12•

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The rest of the day went by as usual, nobody brought up what Carrie had done in math, and it seemed like nobody had seen what Flynn had done to Her the day before, so nothing was said about it.

Alex had been following Carrie around all day, not in an annoying way, he just felt more protectively her now that he saw how drastically her life had changed since the year prior. She was always the hunter, now she was the hunted. People looked down on her. Julie being successful was the downfall of Carrie Wilson.

While Alex had been casually talking to Carrie the whole day, she never responded verbally, she would glance at him in different ways, to signal what she thought about what he had said, but didn't dare make the same mistake again.

By the end of the day, Carrie was ready to have a long nap, long enough to escape her life for a couple hours, yet she was too tired to comprehend any emotions that were making an appearance for the first time in years, which made things even more draining. Alex had decided that he would drive home with Carrie - it was pretty obvious that he had already labeled Carrie as his little sister.

Before the pair headed to Carrie's house, they had to fetch some things that were left in her locker that morning.

While She was digging through the books in her locker, with Alex humming a tune next to her, Kayla Decided to stop by and give her two sense about Carrie's day.

"I hope you're gonna make an effort tomorrow. You're ruining my reputation by dressing like a 90s boyband reject. Get your head straight, or else I will ditch you. Just like everyone else in your life has."

Although Kayla didn't say it directly, Carrie knew she was talking about her mom - a still very open wound. With a quick glance at Alex, she knew that the situation was about to get messy. Seeing as Alex was invisible to everyone else, if he attacked Kayla (which Carrie could clearly see him doing) the whole ordeal would be blamed on her. She would be pinned to evil witchcraft and shunned even more then she already was.

Luckily a loud and demanding voice cut off Carrie's thoughts, as if the universe didn't want to hurt Carrie anymore then it already had.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Flynn's voice boomed all around the hallway, making everyone who was still present, turn their heads and follow the feisty girl, ready to witness a physical fight.

"Excuse me?" Kayla scoffed at the girl with fire in her eyes. She hasn't seen this side of Flynn before, so she had no reason to be threatened.

"You don't talk to her like that." Flynn got right in Kayla's face, making Kayla's face show the slightest hint of fear.

"Says who?"

Carrie had known Kayla for too long, because she knew that right now, she was scared beyond belief. Of course Kayla was no stranger to drama, but being put in a situation that could possibly mean you have to throw a few punches while in heels, would scare anyone.

"Says everyone, we are all just too scared to say anything. Talk to her like that again, and you'll have to sleep with one eye open."

Carrie looked behind Flynn and saw a flustered looking Julie.

"As if you could ever lay your hands on me. Carrie would sue you for all you've got." Kayla laughed at her comments. "Now, if you will excuse us, Carrie has to drive me to the mall. Come along, Carrie." Kayla turned away from the two girls and began walking toward the entrance of the school, but when she didn't hear the squeaking of sneakers behind her, she knew that she had just lost Carrie for good.

It took a few minutes for the board of scholars to disband after Kayla left, but when they finally did, Carrie felt like she could breath again.

"Are you okay?" Julie asked as she stepped in front of the two girls, in the place that Kayla had just left.

"Yeah I'm fine, you didn't need to step in, I could handle it." Carrie could feel Flynn's eyes burning into the side of her head, but she didn't dare to look up.

"I know we didn't but Alex looked like he was about to attack her, so I sent my less harmful attack dog onto her." Julie giggles as she looks at Alex behind Carrie.

"Alex is here? Hi Alex!" Flynn shouts while waving at Julie.

"Behind you." Julie says in a bored tone, which causes Flynn to shoot around and continue her waving.

"Wait, you can see him?" Carrie was beyond confused.

"Yeah, he is in my band after all." Julie giggles, but before Carrie can reply, flynn cuts her off.

"Jules, we have to go, radio show closes at 4, if we don't leave now, we won't make it."

"Okay, do you want to join us?" Julie asks Carrie.

"No thanks, I have some stuff to do. Thanks for the offer though."

Carrie slams her locker and walks away as soon as she finishes talking, not allowing the other two girls to react.

"I'll go check on her, you two have fun, remember to bring back something for Reggie, he gets offended if you don't."

Alex waves as he runs to catch up with the seemingly happy girl.

"Well, that didn't make it obvious at all." Julie bursts out laughing.

"Don't make me regret telling you." Flynn walks away from Julie, who is trying to apologize with a slight giggle and spring in her step.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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