•Chapter 8•

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Carrie woke up, feeling like a brand new person, needless to say, she took her dad's advice.

She realise that holding a grudge against someone, who was so clearly innocent, was just stupid. She promised herself that today she would be different then usual, she would apologize to Julie, and make her see that she was genuinely sorry for what had happened.

She decided to go back to how she was before she felt her life falling apart. She did her makeup, hair and chose her clothes, just like the old Carrie.

She wore black leggings, black heel boots, a pink plaid skirt, and a black long-sleeved turtleneck.

(Kinda like this^)

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(Kinda like this^)

She rushed out the house and into school, hoping to catch Julie before the first class. When she walked Inside, she felt all eyes on her. Unfortunately, she wasn't used to it, so it made her feel small, unlike last year, where she would walk tall and proud when people looked at her.

She stuffed her things into her locker, when she reached it. As she was about to start walking to where Julie's locker was, she was interrupted by a lacrosse player.

"Well if it isn't Carrie Wilson. Where are you off to, looking all pretty?" Ryan Harrison, one of the douches on the lacrosse team, not even Nick could stand him. He was a very muscular guy, but unfortunately he was all muscle and no brain. He was always seen as kinda creepy, but nobody really said anything about it. He placed his hand on the lockers, blocking Carrie from walking past.

"It's none of your business, now please move so I can get where I need to be." For some reason, all her confidence and sass, had returned to her in what felt like an instant.

"But I don't want you to leave?" He stepped closer, obviously not knowing the concept of personal space.

"I don't think she wants you near her." A voice said, from behind Carrie, this caused the muscular lacrosse player to stare at the speaker with amusement, as Carrie turned around to face Julie.

"It's not all about her is it?" Ryan says with a smug grin on his face. Julie looks at Carrie and mutters two words, that not only help her in her current situation, but it helps return the somewhat friendly relationship that the two had many years ago.

"Carrie?" Everyone in the hall was observing the scene unfold in front of them. "Peanut butter."

Carrie mischievously smiles, before facing the lacrosse player once again. While he focuses on her face, she brings her knee up, and kicks him right where the sun don't shine.

Julie runs past the two, grabbing carries hand on the way. The two girls run out of school, giggling furiously at the creepy lacrosse players pain.

"I can't believe you remember that." Carrie said between giggles, as she leaned her body against the building.

"Of course I remember it, I had to remember it to get out of awkward situations. I'm glad I did remember, or you might've still been stuck with the meat head." The girls stand in silence, for a few minutes, while their laughter slowly dies down.

"Thank you for saving me." Carrie says genuinely, forgetting their horrible past for a few minutes to actually be apologetic.

"It's no problem, I promised I would always protect you, anyway." Julie gave a small smile, not wanting to push the boundaries on the new friendliness that the two share.

"I actually needed to talk to you-"


Julie and Carrie both turn their heads, to see an angry Flynn making her way toward the two girls.

"What are you doing out here, first period started, and you're late. I even got Starbucks before I came here." Flynn was very clearly upset with Julie for 'ditching' her, especially when she found her with Carrie.

"It was my fault, Julie helped me when some stupi-"

"Was I talking to you?"

Carrie was very clearly taken back by Flynn's attitude, but she did think she deserved it.

"Im sorry, I was just trying to explain -"

Before she could speak another word, Carries body, was engulfed in a wet and cold substance. Julie gasped loudly, as she watched her supposed best friend, pour her iced coffee all over Carrie.

There was a silence that hung in the air, while everyone was processing what had just happened.

Without thinking, Carrie runs straight up the stairs, that were a few feet away from their original spot, and sprinted onto the football field, in hopes of escaping the embarrassment.

She was crying as she ran, and eventually her legs gave out, sending her to the floor. She stayed there, sobbing into her hands, while trying to find the energy and confidence to get up and go home.

"Carrie?" Julie had followed her, as she ran. She walked up behind her, to comfort the crying girl. "Are you okay?" Of course Julie knew the answer, but what else could she say.

"All I wanted, was to show you how sorry I am. I didn't want to come off mean or manipulative, I wanted to show you that I've changed. But nothing can go back to how it was. I understand that now. Even if you forgive me, Flynn is your best friend, who will always hate me. So why should I bother anymore. Just ignore me and I'll do the same." Carrie gets up and runs to her car, ignoring Flynn - who is trying to apologize - and Julie, who just wants to make sure that Carrie is okay.

Julie walks up to Flynn, once Carries car drove away.

"Why would you do that?" Julie was angry, it was a feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time - to this extent.

"I don't know why, I just-"

"You always said you wouldn't ever treat anyone like Carrie did, but honestly, what I just saw you do, was much more cruel then what Carrie ever did to me. She was trying to apologize, and you humiliated her."

Julie gave Flynn one last glare, before heading to her second period, that was due to start within a few minutes.

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