Closing the distance

Start from the beginning

His fingers began to tap on his steering wheel as he tried to calm his nerves, there was no use being nervous it would only cause him to make a bad first impression.

As Dream pulled into the car park of magic kingdom he saw lots of families walking around with their children. Boys, girls, mums and... dads.

The thought of having a dad made dreams breath hitch in his throat, it had been four years since his dad had passed away, too long.

Even though his dad caused him agony over Dreams teenage years, Dream still felt as though he still deserved to be alive. Maybe? He was a horrible man anyway.

Shaking the thought out of his head Dream stepped out of his car, slamming the door shut as he saw two men hand in hand walk by him.

A slight bubble appeared in both Dreams throat and stomach, causing him to feel the need to look away from the passing couple.

Don't look, it's wrong, you can't look.

After his minor stumble entering the attraction, Dream set out walking to the area Sapnap had agreed to meet him.

Left. Right. LEFT HERE.

Dream settled himself down on a bench, his blonde hair falling over his eyes as he blew it away. His evergreen eyes reflected back at him in his phone screen, disappearing almost instantly as he flicked his home screen on.

Dream debated telling Sapnap he was already at their spot, five minutes early. He eventually decided against that idea as it might come off as clingy and Sapnap didn't need any motivation to tease him.

Dream sat alone for a while, staring into space, until two young boys caught his attention. One was tall with blonde fluffy hair who seemed to be yelling at the smaller boy, who had brown hair and a green polo shirt on.

Both boys were yelling loudly to each other, arguing over which ride to go on first. The smaller one wanted to go on a slow ride while the taller one wanted to go on an 'actual rollercoaster' as he called it.

Dream deflated slightly accidentally letting out a wheeze, attracting the boys attention. They snapped around to face him and walked over to him.

"Hello" the taller one said, "we have a problem, Tubbo here wants to go on a slow ride but I've told him that big men like us have to go on rollercoasters like THAT", he pointed to one nearby.

"Tommy! I never said I wouldn't go on it I just said I wanted to gain confidence first on a smaller ride", the brown haired, smaller boy spoke back to his friend Tommy.

The two began arguing in front of Dream again, forgetting they even came up to him and wandering off towards the big rollercoaster.

I guess Tommy won then...

Dream was forced out of his thoughts when he saw a group of five approaching the bench. Two hand in hand, two chatting to each other and the other happily walking along beside them.

Shit it's them. Act natural.

As they drew closer to Dream he could see some of their features, the two hand in hand were boys which made Dream cringe slightly, but he knew he had to hide it for the sake of his and Sapnaps friendship, plus they might be nice.

The two boys we quite different to each other. One was bald with a sweet smile, the other had black hair and a determined look on his face for some reason.

Dream then diverted his eyes to the two boys talking to each other. One had very fluffy light brown hair and he had a cheery smile. The other Dream quickly recognised as Sapnap, his good friend.

Then, Dreams eyes were drawn to a small brown haired boy with deep hazel eyes. He was short, but not that short next to the group of people he was currently stood with, he would be short soon. His skin was a milky white that reflected the sun perfectly, drawing attention to his pastel pink lips that were the perfect distance from each other. He wore a blue top and a pair of black jeans, accompanied by a pair of boots.

I- interesting choice of clothing?

Dream felt his breath hitch in his throat as the brown haired boy smiled softly towards Sapnap as he turned to face him. They were getting closer. The smile that could make Dreams breath hitch was getting closer to him, closing the distance.

Almost at once Dream was snapped out of his trance by a slap on the shoulder.

"Long time no see buddy, meet Karl, Bad, Skeppy and George."

Word count: 1357
Another long-ish one haha hope you enjoyed


I'm really enjoying writing this so frequent updates are to be expected

I didn't expect people to acc read this so thanks for 30 reads :)

Also don't be shy in the comments say hi, I don't bite


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