Carried Off To Sea

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"Don't ask me." Claire said with a content smile and her hands going up in the air of unknowing. "Mary will never share her secrets." she said with a laugh and a headshake, her eyes still watching as Elizabeth bit ravenously in the muffin for her second bite.

"I don't care as long as she keeps making them." Elizabeth managed to muffle out in-between bites. "Is there more?"

"I think it's best to just have one for right now, I hear she is planning a nice dinner tonight and you wouldn't want to spoil your appetite." Claire said with a matronly nod in her direction. "Besides, the Alpha has a surprise for you."

Elizabeth stopped mid motion as she was returning the muffin to her mouth again, her eyes staring at the woman in suspicion, having not been fond of his last surprise and the intentions she perceived behind them.

"You'll like this one." Claire nodded knowingly.

"What is it?" Elizabeth said back taking a smaller bite of the muffin as she waited in an expecting manner for the answer.

"Well, he understands you're upset..." the maid began with a muted hand gesture showing that it was reasonable for her to be. "And that you miss your family, and that this change has been rather abrupt for you... So he's arranged for you to speak with your uncle once you're up and about."

"What? He did that?" Elizabeth said in a bit of shock, her eyes showing she was in disbelief of the woman's words. Taking another bite of the muffin and chewing it slowly, following up the mouthful with another sip of the tea.

"Yes. He cares very deeply, and let's be honest..." Claire said with a laugh. "He's a man, and just doesn't understand the complexity of our feelings." she said with a shrug. "I think you however made a stark impact on him earlier and gave him the gumption to make certain improvements for your benefit."

Claire was very effective in spinning a good narrative for the Alpha. It was why she was chosen to deliver the muffin. She was not overwhelming and played her part in the background very well. A rather unremarkable presence, and therefor not suspicious.

"Well, I'll get ready now." Elizabeth said in earnest beginning to push the tray further down her lap so she could get up, its movement halted by Claire.

"Have patience. Finish your muffin while its still warm and drink the tea while it's still hot. I have to pick out a couple more accessories for your outfit and then I figured I would help you get ready. You'll feel better with a full belly and in a fresh look. We can do your hair and makeup, a fresh makeover always makes one feel better." Claire cooed at the blonde, a delicate hand wave urging her to finish eating the muffin and drink the tea, Elizabeth following her prompt finding them both to be entirely soothing and possibly agreeing about a freshened up appearance.

The maid walked into Elizabeth's closet and pulled out some of the drawers within, looking at the array of jewelry available, selecting an elaborate gold necklace that tapered down in a triangle when resting on the wearers chest, along with gold earrings that dangled sapphires down their length, and a matching tennis bracelet of the same design. She brought all of these items out and began to lay them neatly on the coffee table in front of the selected outfit for Elizabeth.

The woman now entering the bathroom and shuffling around, emerging with a makeup bag which contained all unopened products carefully selected by Markus, as well as a curling iron with both a brush and a comb with a long pointy tip. "This is going to be so much fun. My daughters have all grown and fled the nest, they don't come to me anymore to make them up." Claire said looking up to Elizabeth who had now finished the muffin and was drinking the rest of the tea.

"How many do you have?" Elizabeth asked, finding the maids rare show of conversation a bit comforting.

"Seven daughters, one son." She said with a shake of her head. "My mate didn't want to stop trying until we got that boy." a laugh emitting from her throat as she thought of her gaggle of children.

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