Evan priya watched this movie for the nth time but still she will behave as if she is watching it for the first time. she is crazy for this movie i don't know why maybe she also felt the same connection which i felt while watching this movie.

Priya's whole concentration was on the movie and my concentration was on her.

She is a sight to watch her big does never leave the TV screen. she was continuously biting her lips while watching each scene.

How much I wish to bite those juicy lips of hers.

aaghh.... What the hell are you thinking, Arjun ? I questioned myself in irritation.

Whenever I see her lips the picture of us kissing each other will appear in my mind.

Few days before we both were on terrace. enjoying the rain. because it was priya's wish and i couldn't deny her innocent face.priya was drenching in rain in the meantime i was admiring her.

A sudden thunder stork made her hug me abruptly. I mentally thanked the thunder for that.

Her grip on me was tight. Her hot breaths against my skin felt so good.

After a few minutes when she realised our State, she tried to move but i didn't let hershe looked at me and i looked at her. Our eyes locked with eachother soon our lips too.

So, that's how our first kiss happened. After that encounter we started to steal a few kisses here and there. till now we never went far other than kisses, hugs and cuddling.

It's not like we don't want to get intimate. we want to. both of us are ready for that deed and we both know that. priya never denied for anything like that and she is more than comfortable with me. it's just me i always feel something is missing in our relationship. After a lot of thinking and self-talking I came to one conclusion.

We never confessed our feelings to each other. And I know that's what stops us from getting intimate. I know she loves me. she didn't said that out but i know. her actions are enough to know that. i too love her, But didn't said. and she knows that too. she is waiting for my confess and I'm waiting for her birthday which is on next month. I want to give her the best surprise along with my proposal. It will be the happiest moment for her.

Soon I'll confess to her.just waiting for Little priya i thought in mind and smiled. priya was drinking the coffee which i made, i was noticing her every moment. Her upper lips and lower lips were fighting for the last sip of coffee.....all of sudden her cheeks turned red , it seemed like she was blushing. smiling like a teenager she glanced at me in the corner of her eyes and then shifted her eyes to the floorrather than TV. I wondered what made her blush ? While I did nothing to her ? Honestly i didn't do anything naughty with her then why is she blushing ?

And why did she stop watching her favourite movie ? I watched her on TV .

Ohhh........ so this is the reason for her blush ? Oh my innocent wife, what am I going to do without you ?

She blushed watching that 'first night' which was happining in the movie.

I grabbed the remote and paused the movie. priya looked at me narrowing her eyes.

" Why did you pause ? " She yelled

" Why did you stop watching it ? " I asked with a smirk.

" Arjun gave me the remote " she ignored my question and started to pull the remote from my hand.

Mature scene ahead🔞 don't read further if you are uncomfortable.

But I didn't let her as my grip was strong After a point we both were fighting for the remote with each other like kids. And then I realised our position, I was hovering over her while she was under me on the couch.

As I stopped my moment and gazed at her. she too stopped everything and looked at me.

Our face was inches apart from each other.her eyes never left mine. suddenly the atmosphere around us turned into hot. her breaths against my skin was making me lose my control. i cherished her cheeks with my thumb. she has such a soft and flawless skin. slowly leaning towards her i placed a soft kiss on her temple, where she kept vermillion on my name.this feeling is always special for me whenever i saw her vermilion and thaali, it always reminds me this beautiful and innocent soul is only mine. she gazed at my every moment like a lost puppy. our heart beats were so loud that i can feel hers.

Again i leaned and placed a kiss on her nose and now it's my favorite part.her lips but before going further i looked at her and tried to find hesitation in her eyes but no there was only love and trust that she has for me. With that I sealed her lips with mine.

her one hand was on my cheek and another was on my shoulder.my right hand automatically found her waist while my left hand was on her neck. it was a toe curling kiss for both of us. i sucked her upper lips while she sucked my lower lips. we both were trying to dominate each other.

When I felt she was out of breath I left her lips and attacked her neck. She gave me a batter axis by lifting her head. I started to place wet kisses on her shoulder blades to her collarbone..i want to stop this.i was continuously trying to convince myself to stop this but i couldn't help. i already lost my control over myself. her heavy breaths was making my condition even worse. I sucked her collarbone to give her hickey 'ahhhh...huh' a soft moan left from her mouth.I smiled at my victory.

Her moan was enough to encourage to go further I placed a kiss on her neck and sucked that part leaving a hickey. I did the same on her collarbone. The tension between us was growing I sucked the nap off her neck. I was so enjoying this when I heard her.

" Adii........." She mound loud enough that I heard.

" What " I asked in disbelief.

I stopped whatever I was doing to her and sat up straight on the couch. she looked at me questioning my sudden act.... adjusting her clothes she too sat with me.

" What happened ? " She asked me to place her hands on my shoulder.

jerking her hands away. i closed my eyes and calmed myself.

Hell, my wife is moaning another man's name while I'm making out with her.

" Priya, who's Adi ? " I asked, still closing my eyes. i heard her gasp. But yet she didn't reply.

I opened my eyes and looked at her " how will you feel if i mount another woman's name instead of yours , when I'm making out with you ? ''I asked her what I felt at that moment. when i heard her moaning another man's name instead of mine. i felt as if someone slapped me across my face.

I waited for her answer but what I saw was only her tear filled eyes.

Ok, something is wrong Arjun get ready.




I just wanted to ask something.

How many of you got the connection point between '3'(movie) and Arjun Priya..... Please let me know.

For those who isn't aware of this..... '3' ( moonu is a tamil movie about three phase of love life.....released in 2012 )

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