Ch. 10 The Fight, the Make-up, and the Family Reunion

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∼ Still 1st person ∼

     Me and Dad make our way outside with Kuzco in tow. He fights and asks going before Dad finally puts him down.

     "Look, there's two people in there looking for you."


     "A big guy and a skinny old woman."

     "Wait. Was this woman scary beyond all reason?"

     Me and Dad both nod.

     "That's Yzma and Kronk! I'm saved!"

     "Trust us," I butt in, "they're not here to save you."

     "They'll take me back to the palace. Thanks for your guys' help. You've been great. I can take it from here."

     I get in his way before he can walk away. "No, no. You don't understand, Kuzco. They're trying to kill you."

     "Kill me? Their whole world revolves around me."

     Dad stops him this time. "No. We can't let you!"

     "What? Wha... Ooh, I get it! You two don't want to take me back to the palace. You want to keep me stranded out here forever."

     Me and Dad both deny. How does he not believe us?

     "This has all been an act, and I almost fell for it."

     Dad tries to get him to listen to us, but Kuzco isn't having it. Finally, I snap.

     "Listen here, Kuzco! We are trying to look out you, even despite the lying and the whole summerhouse thing. And if you can't get that through your thick skull, then fine. Go and get yourself killed. Know you'll die alone just like I said because you couldn't stop thinking for a minute that everything has to be about you." With that I stomped off, tears threatening to fall, and him behind, Dad slowly following. 

∼ 3rd person POV ∼

∼ With Kuzco ∼

     Kuzco runs to catch up with Kronk and Yzma. Hiding behind a log, he is about to make himself known before he hears what Yzma is saying.

     "If you hadn't mixed up those poisons, Kuzco would be dead now! There'll be no more diversions until we track that llama down and kill him!"

     Yzma and Kronk continue with their conversation, not noticing how Kuzco was right there listening to how no one in the empire seems to care that he is gone. With them gone, Kuzco calls out for Pacha and (Y/n), but he is really alone. 

     Wondering through the jungle till he sees the palace, he finally takes off Pacha's poncho and hat before trudging back into the jungle where we saw him in the beginning.

So this is where you came in. See, just like I said, I'm the victim here. I didn't do anything, and they ruined my life and took everything I had.

     "Hey, give it a rest up there, will you?"

What? I'm just telling them what happened.

     "You are you kidding, pal? They read the whole thing, they know what happened."

Well, yeah, but...

     "Just leave me alone."

∼ With you ∼

     After I ran off into the jungle, I found a rock to sit on and started crying. Why are you crying? He is the selfish emperor who wants to destroy our village for himself. Something like this was bound to happen. Plus, would you really want a guy like that? Wait, what?

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