Ch. 6 Near Death Experiences

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     Kuzco walks through the jungle carefree, making fun of innocent things that could attack him or scare him such as a leaf or a tree. "Please. Never find my way? I'm the emperor, and as such, I'm born with an innate sense of direction."

     Looking around, he notices he has absolutely no idea where he is before watching a fly. It gets stuck to a web and cries out for help before getting viciously eaten by a spider. "Okay, that was the freakiest thing I've ever seen."

      Suddenly the bushes rustle with a deep roaring sound, and as Kuzco prepares for it to jump out, a little squirrel comes out instead and offers an acorn to Kuzco. Kuzco thankfully takes the acorn, then throws it back at the squirrel, hitting it's head while telling it to hit the road. As Kuzco walks away, sticking his tongue out at the squirrel, he falls into a pit. More importantly, a jaguar pit. With sleeping jaguars. Not a good place to be. The squirrel from earlier comes down, blows up a balloon, and makes it into the shape of a llama. When it is done, it grabs a pointy... thing and threatens to pop the balloon. As Kuzco tries to stop him, the squirrel pops it anyway. That doesn't wake the jaguars up, but Kuzco's cry of celebration does. They chase Kuzco though the jungle until he is stuck on a ledge.

     The jaguars slowly approach Kuzco before a cry is heard and both parties turn to see (Y/N) swing towards them on a vine. The vine snaps, and (Y/N) falls in front of Kuzco on the ledge.

     "Wow, you are such a big help," commented Kuzco.

     "I tried, and I'd like to see you do better." retorted (Y/N).

     Once again the jaguars start to slowly approach Kuzco and (Y/N) before another cry is heard. This time when they all turn, Pacha is swinging on a vine. However, he swings past them before swinging past and grabbing Kuzco and (Y/N). As Kuzco screams, right in your ear I should add, Pacha reassures him. "Don't worry, Your Highness. I gotcha. You're safe now. "

      Then all three are tied up to a large branch, Pacha on one side and Kuzco and (Y/N) on the other. 

     "Maybe I'm just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered kind of a step backwards, wouldn't you say?" pointed out Kuzco.

     "Would you rather have been eaten by those jaguars or have fallen off that cliff?" (Y/N) asked.

     "We will be able to figure this out, don't worry." assured Pacha until a large crack was heard and the branch leaned down.

     "I hate you" was all that was said before the branch completely cracked and fell into the water below. 

     The water pushed the branch all around, making it hit several rocks until the water seemed to have calmed down. As the trio coughed up water, the branch was slowly spinning until it stopped and Pacha uttered "Ah-oh."

     "Don't tell me. We're about to go over a huge waterfall."


     "Sharp rocks at the bottom?"

     "Most likely."

     "Bring it on."

     The branch went over the waterfall, all men screaming. With his eyes closed, (Y/N) gripped Kuzco's hand until the branch broke as they hit the water at the bottom of the waterfall.

Emperor's New Emperor (Kuzco x Male reader)(Old)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ