Ch. 1 Meeting Emperor Kuzco

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∼ 3rd person POV ∼

Long ago, somewhere deep in the jungle...

     A llama sat in the jungle as it heavily rains, crying. 

Will you take a look at that? Pretty pathetic, huh? Well, you'll never believe this, but that llama you're looking at was once a human being. 

     The llama moves to a different spot, trying to get out of the rain before getting even more wet. After a sob, the llama slips back to its original spot and lays down, curling up into a ball.

And not just any human being. That guy was an emperor. A rich, powerful ball of charisma. Oh, yeah! This is his story. Well, actually my story. That's right. I'm that llama. The name is Kuzco... Emperor Kuzco. I was the world's nicest guy, and they ruined my life for no reason. Oh, is that hard to believe? Look, I tell you what. You go back aways...  You know, before I was a llama, and this will all make sense.

   Baby Kuzco plays with a stuffed animal while surrounded by other toys, waving it around and giving it a hug. Suddenly, the head pops off and as he starts to cry, a dozen or so of the same toy is shown to him, making him stop crying as he stares at the new stuff animals.

All right, now see, that's a little too far back. Aw, look at me! That's me as a baby. *clears throat* All right, let's move ahead.

∼Cue the Groove∼

(Play if you want)

After Kuzco walks in the room and ends up rejecting all the women, we finally get to meet (Y/N)'s dad, Pacha.

A/N: I know that this chapter is really short, but I promise the next chapters are way longer.

Emperor's New Emperor (Kuzco x Male reader)(Old)Where stories live. Discover now