chapter five.

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( Sometimes, you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory )

CHAPTER FIVE  —( Sometimes, you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory )

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The news that Sheriff Graham had a heart attack shook the whole of Storybrooke to its core, and Luna couldn't believe that she saw Graham only that morning after he admitted to her that he believed he remembered part of an old life he had. Soon after his death, his only employee, Emma Swan, was elected Sheriff in a town-wide vote (much to Regina Mills' dismay).

Operation Cobra was put on hold for the time being. Both Daisy and Henry were upset with the death of Graham, and they believed that part of it was because he was getting too close to the truth about the curse the town was under.

Luna began to spend most of her time at work after Emma was voted Sheriff. More people seemed to stop by and buy clothes, and with Emma's new fund, the woman had stopped by a couple of times to extend her closet. She now owned more than three shirts, and Henry was incredibly pleased with that.

While Daisy was at school, she was sorting through her cash register when the doorbell chimed. Luna looked up, expecting one of her usual customers. Instead, she came face-to-face with Mr. Gold. Luna stared at him momentarily before snapping out of her gaze as the man walked up to her. Luna pulled a stack of cash from the register and walked around the counter to meet the man halfway.

"Ms Edwards, how have you been?" Gold asked a slight smile on his face.

"Yeah, I've been alright," Luna responded, then shook her head. "Heard what you did about the fire to try to make Emma win the election."

"I succeeded, though, didn't I?" He asked

Luna frowned. "She called you out on it and told the whole town."

"But that was my plan," he replied.

Luna frowned at him and then shook her head. "You're sneaky," she said as she held the money to him. Gold just shrugged as he took the money. "Well, I hope you have a good day." Luna turned around and began to walk back towards the counter.

"Do you know me?"

Luna turned around and frowned. "Pardon?"

"Do you know who I am?" Gold repeated.

Luna gazed at the man before her, recalling how he had haunted her dreams for at least a month. He was the man her mother had sold her to, who had taught her incredible power and provided her with a home and much more that she had yet to remember. As Luna scrutinised the man and met his gaze, she shook her head and said, "You're Mr. Gold. You own a pawnshop and basically this whole town."

Gold nodded slowly and began to walk out of the store. "Very well, I'll see you in a month, Ms. Edwards." Something slipped from his hands and clattered onto the ground.

QUEEN OF DRAGONS ( killian jones )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin