"Okay, our boat should be safe here. Come on let's get settled, shall we?" Tommy called out.

Suddenly Kyra let out a blood-curdling scream and started hopping around like she was doing a crazy dance. After screaming and hopping for a minute, she jumped onto Ian and clutched his neck, not letting him go. I had to stifle a laugh at the sight. It was truly hilarious.

"What the hell?" Ian groaned, at the sudden weight.

"T-th . . . the c-cra . . . crab. The-there was a . . . a cr-crab!" Kyra whispered, looking absolutely frightened. "Don't let it touch me, please!" She continued to beg.

Honestly, crabs didn't scare me as much it did to Kyra. However, if it did touch I would definitely freak out. But deciding to have some fun, I let out a shriek and mimicked the dance Kyra had earlier.

"Oh my god, save me! I don't want a crab. Where is it?" I shrieked, doing a similar hopping dance that Kyra did.

Suddenly I spotted a ginormous crab. Now I understood her fear. Crabs were truly disgusting creatures and I'd do anything to stay away from it. It started walking towards me.

"Take it away. Throw it! I don't want it" I pleaded, Kyra's plea merging with mine.

"Kill it!" Kyra begged.

But it seemed that our situation was nothing but funny to boys, as they all burst out laughing. I stopped hopping around and turned to glare at them. But I felt something ticklish on my foot and, to my utmost horror, there was a tiny crab on foot. And I felt genuine fear this time. I let out, once again, a shriek and jumped onto the person nearest to me, which just happened to be Kyle.

"Oh- oh my god, Quinn! It's a teeny tiny crab!" Kyle laughed, so hard, but, thankfully, didn't let me down.

I bit my lip and stared at the tiny crab on the sand. Looking at it, made me want to cry. It was so scary. What if touched me again? What if it bit me? Do crabs even bite? What if they're poisonous?

"I could die." I whispered, softly to myself.

But since Kyle was, practically, holding me bridal style, heard it and his eyes widened.

"Are you seriously that scared? It's not going to anything." Kyle said, looking completely weirded out.

"How do you know?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Because . . . because . . ." Kyle struggled to find an answer. "Because it told me. It won't hurt you."

"Really?" I asked, after contemplating my choices.

I wasn't that dumb. I knew crabs couldn't talk but atleast then if the crab did do something, I could blame it on Kyle.

"Yes," Kyle said, firmly. "I promise."

"Promise it won't touch me." I said, pushing my limits.

"Okay, I promise it won't touch you, Quinn." Kyle rolled his eyes.

I nodded, "You can let me down."

"You're believing him!" Kyra exclaimed, still death-gripping Ian. "Quinn! He's-"

I gave her a knowing look and she immediately understood what I doing. Kyra smirked at me, winking, she turned to Ian with wide eyes.

"Can you talk to crabs, too?" Kyra asked, innocently, twirling her red hair.

Ian began coughing, "What? I mean, yeah sure. It won't touch you."

Kyra smirked, and let go of him. She got down and smoothed her pants.

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