Not So Undercover

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Disclaimer: For best experience listen to music (classical, relaxing, whatever).

I place my head on the window listening to the rain pouring outside.
A door creaks open and I turn my head to the left; a boy is putting on his blazer and heading out into the storm.

I quickly put on a jacket and run outside behind him leaving a safe amount of distance.
The boy enters the dark forest...

The noise of my boots stepping onto the wet leaves is hidden by the thunder.
I sigh slowly doubting if this was the right decision to make, "Why is he going so far?"

The boy walks up the hill and looks up at the sky, then continues to walk downward. When he heads down the hill I follow his actions and look up at the clouds.
The thunder roars causing a slight shiver but I shake it off and make my way down the hill.

- Five minutes later -

I hid behind a tall tree as the boy turns his body to look around, "Phew." I'd say quietly.
The boy takes a sharp right turn and arrives at his destination.
"Woah..." I widen my eyes looking up at the treehouse.

The boy cleared his throat, as I facepalm realizing my mistake. I meant to keep that thought to myself. I take a deep breath and can feel the warmth of my cheek, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have followed you. I was bored out of my mind and-"
He starts to laugh which makes me feel confused.
"What's so funny?" I look up at the boy sitting on the patio of the treehouse, right under the roof.
"It was quite entertaining watching you trying to act discretely."
I gasp, "You knew I was following you and didn't say anything?"
"Well, that would have ruined the fun, wouldn't it?" He smirks.
Droplets drip down my face as I pout. I turn around my body about to walk away as I hear a "Wait, you might as well stay!" A smile appears on my face from the relief.
"Alright, if you say so." I turn my smile into a straight face pretending to be unbothered, twisting my body around to walk up the ladder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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