chapter 18

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Y/n pov

I felt so numb other then one two feelings. All I felt was rage and a longing for dabi to come for me. Other then that I felt numb. It had been so long since Josh had raped me i forgot how it felt. I wouldn't wish that to anyone. Even my greatest enemy. You loose a part of yourself everytime it happens.

I layed on the cold wooden floor just staring at the door. They have a bug plan, I just don't know what it is. I guess it has to do with a fire quirk.
They were talking a little to loud earlier. If I'm being honest I hope this one put me out of my misery. Dabi would get over me in due time. And its not like I have anybody else who cares about me. I dont want to go through all this torture anymore. What are they going to do when they don't need me anymore? I'm guessing they will just kill me or sell me off to someone. They tried that once but it diddnt work. The women they tried selling me to ended up not liking me. I wasn't pretty enough for her to do anything with. So I was sent back with Sean and Josh. Not to long after that I escaped from them. Years on the run and for what? Just to live a life full of fear. And just to be caught again. I guess my life was just destined to be one giant shit show.

My thoughts were intrupted with the door opening. I sat up quickly resting my back against the wall. I moved so I could see who was at the door. The door opened all the way after she got done talking.
" its a big night for you my dear y/n. Make sure to eat up. I'll be back in a few." Heather said with a smile setting the juice and plate of food down infront of me. She left the room and locked every single lock on the door.
The food seems really good today. It was chili with what looked like strawberry kiwi juice. I do wonder why they never gave me water or somthing else with my meals.
I shrugged it off just being grateful for the meal. They could of been starving me this whole time. I dug into the chili smiling softly. It acutely tasted good. It reminds me of my moms chili. I barely remember anything about her, but her food was one of the best memories. I remember being my moms little helper for the longest time. Then one day she just disappeared. Sean my dad told me it was an accident. But what kind of accident? I guess ill never know. I sighed softly setting the bowl back down on the plate. I dont know what happen but I was really thristy today. Maybe it was from the water quirk. Or you know maybe having all my blood bled out of me. Even if I do make it out of here ill have to live with even more scars, and just not physical ones. I grabbed the glass of juice and drank it within seconds. I set the glass down and whipw my mouth cringing a little. I dont know what kind of juice that was, but holy he'll it diddnt taste the best. It kind of tasted like a chemical or somthing.

I shrugged it off and leaned back on the wall. I started to get really hot for some reason. The feeling wasn't all to uncomfortable anymore, I have gotten used to it. Wait, could they have been putting the serum in the juice this whole time! Oh my God I'm so stupid! I face palm and stand up. Shit this could all be part if their plan. Evertyhing started coming together. The juice always started to taste more fake each day. That could mean they are giving me more and more of the serum. I mentally cursed at myself over and over again. I was so stupid this whole time. That only means ill be stronger. I was close to breaking the shield last time. Maybe just maybe I can do that this time. Only if dabi was here. He could burn this whole place down without trying. He's so strong and he knows it.
I lean my head against the wall tearing up. Could I really be so selfish this whole time? I haven't even thought about what dabi could be going through. But did he even care is the real question. If he did why isn't he here to save me. For once couldn't he be a hero and save me. I dont care what others think of him. He's been my hero since I got here. But he's not here when I need him the most. This could all ben apart of a bigger plan I diddnt know about.

I was so tempted to just take my clothing off. I was getting unbearably hot. The serum ussaly took way longer then this to work. It ussaly takes an hour or more. It coukd be because they gave me so much.
I could see the camera in the corner of the room start to scan across the room. That means they are watching me. They are probably taking notes
And laughing at my pain.
I focused all of my energy to the palm of my hands. Thats what worked with the water at least. You just have to visualize what you want to happen. Maybe it was to soon, but I'm going to give it a try. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. My palm started to get very warm, but not enough to hurt.
I looked down to see a small but steady flam in both my palms. It brought. Soft smile to my face as I watched the fire burn. It wasnt like normal fire. It was sparking and glowed a intense red color.
I focused on the flame more trying to make it bigger. In an instant my hands were engulfed in giant flames the flickered infront of my face. I shook my hands seeing if it would go out but it stayed strong.

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