chapter 10

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A/N: surprise update. I've been up all night so I got a bunch of extra chapters. I hope you enjoy.

Y/n pov

I lazily open my eyes to be greeted by the bright moon and a empty bed. I roll over onto my back looking around the room while I rub my eyes.  Dabi was no where to be found and it kind of scared me. I looked over to the cool to see its 3 am. Why in the world did I have to wake up. I could of stayed asleep and not worry about whatever he's doing. I roll back over so I'm laying on my stomach stretching. I groan and push myself up so I'm sitting up on my knees just then hearing a couple voices downstairs. It sounded like two or three people down there. One of them must be dabi, but what about the other. I know its not Josh cuz I can recanize his voice from anywhere. I reajust the choker that dabi gave me and and layed back down on my side.  It should be fine and its probably none of my business. But what if it aomthing about Josh and Sean? It could be important but at the same time it could br nothing. I groan and rub my eyes once again. I'm really tired but I want to see. I ponder for a moment having a mental war with myself. I could still hear their soft voices from downstairs. If it was really that top secret wouldn't they be smart enough to do it somewhere else other then the house? I carefully slide out of bed and tip toe to the door. As soon as I open the door I could hear them more clearly but I still couldn't fully understand them. I mently smack myself for not putting a pair of pants on, but at least I'm covered.  I peeked out the door and didn't see anyone on the top floor. I diddnt even attempt to shutting the door. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I walked down the stairs. I siddnt want to seem sneaky. I guess they heard me coming down the stairs because the talking stopped for a second and changed to a new topic. I walk into the kitchen slumping over still really tired.

   " what are you doing up so late babe?" Dabi asked while leaning on the counter. That one hawks dude was here as well leaning on the opposite side counter. I shrugged and walked to the fridge." I heard people talking." I stated bluntly. 
" hey kid, sorry for waking you." Hawks said with a big bright smile.
I grab a bottle of water from the fridge then shut it. " its fine." I sigh softly taking a drink. " you should go back to sleep." Dabi added looking over at me. I gave him a softly sleepy smile and shook my head." What are you two doing anyway?" I asked leaning agaisnt the counter next to dabi and laying my head on his shoulder,while loosely holding the bottle of water. " we were just talking abo-"
" so who's this Josh guy?" Hawks asked perking up again. I look at dabi confused then back to hawks. " how do you know about him? Is that what you guys were talking about?" I had a harder expression on my face as I looked back and forth from them. Dabi groaned and I could hear hawks chuckle.  " yeah, I wanted some advice for the situation." Dabi answered still glaring at hawks.
" well heres some advice for the both of you. Josh is a strong asshole who gets what he wants no matter what. And don't even get me started on Sean. He is a sinister bastard with crazy ideas. Now I'm going back to bed!" I slammed the water bottle down on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen back into the bedroom. I dont care that they were talking about it, I just hate the thought if those two men.  I know I don't remember everything but I can still remember some of the things they did to me. My dad wich is Sean would experiment on me. He once tried getting me to have a fire quirk but it ended badly and I alsmot burnt to death. Thank god he has a healing quirk. But no matter what he did the quirks never lasted. The longest one would last was maybe a week. Sometimes I hoped they would work so he would stop. I dont even get  why having a quirk is such a big deal. I groan and go back into dabis bedroom laying down on the bed. I cover back up and try to fall back to sleep.


I wake up to the sun coming in from the window yawning softly and rolling over. I was stopped by a body. I opened my eyes up to see dabi sleeping peacefully with his black hair covering his face. I smiled softly to myself moving his hair out if his face. This is the only time he looks like he is at peace with the world. Like all the things cant hurt him. He really is so handsome and genuinely kind. Others don't get to see dabi the way I do. Most would say he's a sarcastic asshole. Wich isn't totally wrong. But he's not as mean as other preserve. He's a genuine person I dont think I could make it without. He groans softly and rolls over to his side opening his eyes looking at me. " good morning." I say softly. He smiles at me the staples on his face stretching. I smiled while glancing over at the clock. " more like good afternoon." I giggled softly pecing him on the lips.
He moved his arm forward and wrapped it around me waist pulling me to his chest easily. He held me so my head was on his shoulder and I was pressed up agaisnt his side. I never thought being held by somone could be so comforting. It brings a soft feeling to my heart? I don't even know how to describe it. " any plans for today?" I asked looking up at him. He was staring at the ceiling, it seemed like he had somthing on his mind. But knowing him he wouldn't want to talk about it. " Hawks is going to come over to discuss a plan." He stated blankly. " a plan about what?" I asked. I figured its proablt about Josh and Sean but id like some clarification . The one thing I guess I doddnt like about dabi and i, is we don't really know how to communicate very well. We are both closed off people. " keeping you Safe. If josh is a real threat, i.... I don't want to loose you." His grip around me tighten but it was still gentle as if he would break me, it also held a sense of if he let me go id be gone forever.
I  hum in response and lay my arm across his stomach so im more comfortable. " like you said we will be ok, just might be a tuff journey. They can't do anything worse then they already have." I said with a soft sigh. I guess it was true, they have put me through hell and back.
" that doesn't mean you need to go through it again." He said while rubbing my back with his thumb. Little gestures like this showed me he cared even without saying it.
" what time is hawks suppose to show up anyway?" I asked trying to change the topic, I don't want the day to start of gloomy.
" what time is it?" He asked.
I looked over to the clock and  suck in a sharp breathe.
" its 3:20, we damn near slept all day." I chuckled and layed my head back down. He let out a soft groan type noise and rubbed his face. " shit, he could be here any minute." As he said that I groaned and held onto him tighter. " but im comfy!" I whined making him chuckle a little. He rubbed my arm while smiling at me.
" you don't have to get up, but I do." He said softly. I cuddle up close to him so he couldn't move. I could feel the burns along his chest as I did. " ten more minutes?" I looked up at him giving him the chessiest smile I could muster. " come on babe i need to get up, we can cuddle later."
" fiiiine." I whined while letting go of him.

   He gets up out of bed and stands with his back facing me. He stretches his arms out with a sigh. He shoulder muscles move showing his toned slender back. Why couldn't I look like that?   Just as he was walking to the dresser the door cam slamming open.
" hey man!" Hawks yelled while braging in. I pulled the blanket up to my chest and sat up. Yes I was fully clothed but still. " how did you even get in?" I asked while looking over at dabi who was putting a shirt on.
Hawks gave me a warm smile and tilted his head with a small shrug. " the door was locked, so I came through the window, no big deal."
I rolled my eyes and looked back over to dabi yawning softly.
" why don't you wait down stairs, ill be down in a minute." Dabi said.
" alright man, hurry up." Hawks replied turning around to leave.
I sigh and get up out of bed pulling my shirts down my thighs as I do.
" so what are yall doing exactly?" I asked walking over to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest while rubbing my back. " we are just going to talk about how to keep you safe. you can come down with me if you'd like. You do know more about them then we do." He says softly. I lean up on my tip toes  kissing him softly then go back down to my level. " alright just give me a minute."  Dabi nods his head and goes downstairs. I head to my room and pick out some clothes. I grab some black leggings a hoodie. I take my shirt off and slip the hoodie on because its just so much more comfortable. I then take my shorts off and put the leggings on. I throw the dirty chotlhs in my basket and go downstairs.

    Ic old already hear them brainstorming on what to do.
" first of all you might want to start locking your windows." I could hear hawks say. I walk into the dinning room were they are sitting down at the table. I sit down in between the both of them and lean back in the chair sighing. Dabi gently placed his hand on my thigh giving it a reassuring squeeze. " so Sean has a healing quirk and Josh has a very powerful quirk. He can paralyze anyone he touches, it can ussaly last up to a half hour or more. 20 minutes minimum." This conversation diddnt even feel real to me. Its like I wasn't even in my own body anymore. " so whatever we do we can't let Josh get to y/n." Hawks added.
" its not that easy though, Josh is smart and manipulative. Sean has him do all the work until, until your captured, then Sean takes over." I said with no emtion.
"  it will be ok, we won't let them get to you. " dabi said.
" I can have some heros guard the house?" Hawks said more in a questioning tone.
" yeah thats real smart. Have heros protecting a villains house" dabi scoffed. He did have a point. They would just turn dabi in.
" yeah I diddnt think about that. So that ideas out the window." Hawks sighed running his hand through his hair.  " why don't you just check up on the house every so often?" I asked looking over to hawks. He seemed to perk up at this idea. " yeah, I think thats a good idea y/n." He said with a small wink making me blush softly. I shook my head and sat up in my seat.
" any other ideas guys?" I asked looking at both of them. " I say just have our guards up. And y/n no leaving the house." Dabi said. I groaned and pouted. " but what am I suppose to do? Go stir crazy?"
Hawks chuckled making dabi glare at him. " babe, its for the best. I cant have anything happen to you." Dabi gave me a stern look. 
" yeah, yeah , alright. Is it settled?" I asked.
" dabi and I will go over the details but I guess so." Hawks said sming brightly. How could this man be smiling so much?
" ok sounds good to me then."  I got up and walked away to the bathroom. I locked the door and got undressed. I took a nice long hot shower. It felt nice to destress.

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