The Lunch Special (Ricky and E.J)

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Author's note: This was requested by red5050 A few comments on my EJ and sablos sickfics actually inspired me to make this book. Please request in the request chapter.

Nini's POV:

We all know that the cafeteria food served at East High sucks, even Big Red can verify that since he will eat almost anything. He's eaten every food that the cafeteria has served since we started to attend the school as Freshman. I remember when he finished the sloppy joe in five bites in front of Ricky and I the first week of school. He also ate ten servings of Jell-O once at one of my birthday parties it was gross, but Ricky dared him to do it.


As Ricky, Kourtney, Big Red and I were walking into the Cafeteria, I glanced at the lunch special that was on the marquee above the entrance and saw that it was Tuna Delight. Yuck! Thank god Mama C packed me a salad to go and some strawberries. I never get school lunches because they are a waste of money.

"Ugh. My dad forgot to buy the weekly groceries and I forgot to pack lunch. I guess I have to get the lunch special." Ricky said as he put his head in his hands after we found a table.

"Ricky don't eat that gross sandwich. You can have some of my strawberries. I'll give you some money for the vending machine." I replied since I didn't want my boyfriend to have tuna breath after lunch.

"Thanks for the offer Neens, but I should probably eat something that isn't junk food. You never know. Tuna Delight sounds okay to me." Ricky replied while getting up to get in the lunch line.

While Ricky went to get his Tuna Delight, I opened my salad container and poured the homemade dressing that Mama D made and poured it in before mixing it all up. As I was shaking the container to mix the salad up, I noticed that E.J's was standing in front of our table. The dram club table to be exact.

"Hey guys, can I sit here? My water polo friends kind of ditched me since I joined theatre." E.J exclaimed as he stood behind Gina who was sitting across from me.

"Of course, you can E.J. As Miss Jenn says, 'The Theatre is for Everyone.' Just don't try to steal my phone." Ashlyn replied after eating a carrot stick.

"Haha. I won't do that." E.J replied while sitting down next to Gina.

While I was grabbing the container full of strawberries out of my lunchbag, Ricky came behind me and covered my eyes with his hands.

"Guess who?" He said playfully as if I didn't realize he was standing behind me.

"Ricky. I know it's you. Your hands are always cold. Eeeew what's that smell?" I replied as he uncovered my eyes and sat next to me.

"I think it's the Tuna Delight. Hopefully it tastes better than it smells." E.J replied as he pointed to the sandwich on his lunch tray.

"E.J why'd you get the lunch special? Didn't Aunt May make you a sandwich?" Ashlyn replied to his comment before I could open my salad container.

"Well, I am East High's Student Government Treasurer. Got to represent. Go Wildcats!" E.J said enthusiastically as Ricky stared at his Tuna delight next to me.

"Actually, our mascot is a Leopard." Ashlyn but in as Ricky and E.J picked up their sandwiches.

"Ricky babe, are you sure you don't want some of my strawberries the tuna smells terrible." I offered my boyfriend as he was about to bite into his sandwich.

"Nini, I'm not going to take your lunch. Eat up. You need strength for rehearsals." Ricky replied to me after he took a bite into his tuna sandwich and made a face.

HSMTMTS SICKFICS: because I'm bored :/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora