liam squeezed zayns hand "i see what you guys go through at school and i dont think id be able to handle it" his bradford accent was soft, sounding a little scared.

"listen, were always here for you two okay?" louis spoke gently. "fuck what those assholes say at school it doesnt matter as long as you both are happy with each other"

"thanks" liam smiled at us

"always mate" i respond before we all turned back to the telly catching the ending of the notebook. i always cry during movies like these

im such a fucking sap

i feel louis soft steady breaths hit my chest making me wrap the nearest blanket around us. liam went to grab a few beers from nialls fridge.

of course niall didnt follow the legal age, he can never go a day without a guinness. but i mean i dont think any of us follow the legal ages.

"niall should be on soon" i stated switching the channel to ellen.

"isnt that niall right there?" zayn asks taking a sip of his drink.

"z thats ellen you dumby" i laugh

"my god they look similar then" liam pointed out. louis started to stir within my embrace but stayed a sleep.

"right my next guest is none other than the one the only... niall horan" she smiled as he ran out onto the stage.

"hi" he spoke out as the audience cheered along with us. he sounded nervous but i think we would all he if we were live telly.

the interview dragged on for about ten to fifteen minutes. mostly niall laughing his ass off at anything. "flicker out february seventeenth" ellen finished.

louis still fast a sleep cuddled onto my chest all i did was hold him tighter smiling. "zayn and i are gonna head out for a bit"

"alright have fun, dont do anything i wouldnt do" i laughed out

"okay mother" zayn rolled his eyes on his way out the door.


"haz.. hazza" a small yet raspy voice mumbled.

"yeah baby?" i gently ruffled through his hair.

he lifted his head rubbing his eyes, his finger tips just peaking out of the ends of his green hoodie. "youre adorable" i said pulling him back into my arms.

"did i miss nialls interview?"

"yeah, but its okay"

"howd he do?"

"the normal 'laugh at everything' but he did good" i smiled down at him planting a kiss at the top of his head. "oh zayn and liam went out for a bit and niall texted saying they needed him back in the studio"

"why?" he looked confused

"something about wanting a song to be a duet" i replied "he'll tell us who it is when he gets back"

he nodded and turned the telly back on. "want a cuppa?" i asked


few short minutes later i sat back down next to him. we continued to watch whatever was on the telly cuddled up next to each other. we sat in a comfortable silence, only spoke every so often about what was on the telly.

"louis what are you doing?" i worried looking at him scratching his wrists under the blanket. "louis" i grab his hands to make him stop.

"harry let go" he tried to pull away. i rolled up his sleeve to see blood streaming down his arm. "harry please" he looked at me.

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