Ghosts (Fred Weasley) Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"My dad gave it to me on in first year, my Auntie Y/n gave it to him before she passed." She explained.

"Do you know where she got the ring from?" He asked.

"My mum told me, it was a promise ring her boyfriend gave to her. They were suppose to get married." Rose answered.

"Do you want to know a little secret?" He leaned and Rose nodded.

"I gave your Auntie that ring." He whispered into her ear.

"Really?!" Rose got excited. Her parents sometimes talked about her aunt's boyfriend but she never knew it was her best friends uncle.

Meanwhile at the Slytherin Table, The Moon Spirit was in a conversation with Albus and Scorpius.

"I can't believe it Scorp, my uncle is the new Gryffindor ghost, how cool is that. I've heard so many stories about Uncle Fred." The Moon Spirit did a double talk. Fred was here. She hadn't seen him in over 20 years. The ghost immediately left the hall, leaving the Slytherins stunned that, one day of out of the month, she comes, out she leaves.


"Auntie Y/n?" Scorpius called out sitting next to Rose waiting for their aunt.

"And he said, he gave her the ring Scorp, Fred Weasley gave Auntie Y/n this promise ring. Mum and dad never told us it was him." Rose called.

"I know, we can ask Auntie Y/n." Scropius answered.

"I'm here." Y/n called out removing her cloak.

"Auntie Y/n, why didn't you tell us Fred Weasley gave you this ring." Rose asked.

"It's complicated honey. That night, I knew I had to die, I was a horcrux, I needed to defeat my father. But I couldn't bear to tell Fred. He had our whole future planned out and I couldn't ruin it for him. He wasn't suppose die that day. And now that he his here. I don't know what to do." Their aunt answered honestly.


The next day, the twins, gathered the Weasley-Potter clan to get to the two ghost back together.

"Why are we all here?" James asked the twins.

"You all know in History of Magic, we learned about the second war, and the seven horcruxs. And how Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter destroyed five of them. Neville Longbottom destroying the snake, and Y/n Riddle destroyed the last one, that no one truly knows, but dying in the process." Scorpius explained.

"And Y/n Riddle and our dad were best friends, and before she passed, she gave our dad the chain and her promise ring. Apparently your uncle, the new ghost gave her the promise ring. They were suppose to get married." Rose continued.

"Wait, the women our Uncle Fred was in love with, was Y/n Riddle?" Roxanne asked. It seemed like the Weasleys didn't name the women Fred was in love with, like what the Malfoy-Grangers did with Fred.

"That's not all. The Moon Spirit." Scorpius started.

"What does this have to do with The Moon Spirit?" Lily asked.

"The Moon Spirit is our aunt." Rose answered.

"Y/n Riddle is The Moon Spirit. And she was the last horcrux, she had to kill herself during the war." Scorpius finished.

"Oh my Merlin!" Albus exclaimed.

"That's why we need your help. Our aunt always talked about the man she loved before she passed and how she never stopped loving him." Rose said.

"So you want us, to get The Moon Spirit and our Uncle Fred back together." James asked.

"Exactly." The twins said.


Rose was able to bring down Fred down to the Slytherin Common Room and meet The Moon Spirit and Scorpius.

"And this is my brother Scorpius Frederick Weasley." Rose introduced the two.

"Scorpius! Rose! You two wanted to talk." The Moon Spirit came in with her cloak already off.

"Hello Scorpius, where is your sis-Holy God!" She yelled turning around to see Rose and the ghost of Fred.

"Hello love." Fred whispered.

"What is the meaning of this you two?" Y/n scowled the twins.

"We know how much you would talk about him, and we wanted for you two to meet again." Rose explained.

"Why did you do it love?" Fred asked.

"I had to save everyone, you know that." Y/n answered.

"But why, didn't you tell me, we could have found another way." Fred questioned.

"That wasn't another way, I had to die, Fred. I just couldn't tell you. You had our life put together and I couldn't ruin that for you." Y/n explained.

"What about in the afterlife, I never saw you." He said.

Y/n smiled sadly. "I was sent to Hell. I was there but I left eight years ago to become The Moon Spirit."

"I know what I did was selfish, but I couldn't bring you down with me. You had your life all ready for you. I was bound to die, sooner or later." Y/n whispered.

"I have missed you every single day. I wasn't the same without you. It was suppose to be us. Always and Forever." Fred murmured.

"And I have missed you so. But look we're back together, it may not be the same, but it's something." Y/n said. "I love you Frederick Gideon Weasley. Always and Forever."

That day, The Moon Spirit and Fred Weasley were back together. She became to remove her cloak, tell her story, and became to come out of the dark. Just like they did, when they were alive.


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