Chapter Three.

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I was first one awake in my house on this gorgeous Saturday morning. I climbed out of bed, stretching, as I grabbed my phone from my nightstand. Only two notifications. Why the hell are people awake this early willingly? The two notifications were from Otani and Maekawa. Otani invited me to head over to the lake with her while Mae invited me to head on a motorcycle ride to St. Louis. Two very different choices, and truly I didn't wish to do either. I told the girls I was busy and that we'd have to do it some other time.

I walked downstairs and began boiling some water for my coffee. In the meantime, I began making myself some simple breakfast: some toast and eggs. As everything was being made I told my Alexa to start my morning routine. Some of my favorite songs began playing through the kitchen and living area and it was probably my favorite way to start the morning. Then something I never expected came stepping right to my front door. As the doorbell rang, I paused my music and ran to answer it.

"Hello!" As I looked up to see who it was, I smiled brightly. "What the hell are you doing here so early, Tic?" I moved out of the way to allow him inside.

"Well, I wanted to come and surprise my most favorite person in the whole wide world," there's something he wants.

"Okay, Atlantic. What do you want?" I crossed my arms and stared at him.

"Advice. There's this girl that I wanna ask out, but I'm nervous," I laughed and shut the door before returning to the kitchen where he followed.

"You are nervous? Oh god, then I must have my work cut out for me if this girl is making you of all people nervous," I buttered my toast and put my eggs onto a plate. After doing that, I poured my coffee into my mug and took a small sip as I leaned against the counter next to Atlantic who was sitting on it.

"Yeah, I know. It's uncharacteristic, but I'm really serious about this. I really like her."

"So, what kind of girl is she? Could you compare her to anyone we-" He quickly cut me off as he answered without hesitation.


"That was awfully quick. Wait, Atlantic do you.."

"What?! No!!" He became extremely defensive, making me smirk.

"Oh you totally are talking about Mae!! I always knew you had a thing for her!!"

"Shut up!! You're gonna wake up Cordilia!!"

"Okay, okay. I'll be quiet. But you wanna ask her out?" I took another sip of my coffee and then a bite of my toast.

"I do. She may not see how amazing of a girl she is because it's hidden under everything, but I see it!! I always have seen it, even when she screws around. Her smile is just breathtaking and whenever she laughs I feel all my worries just wash away! Aliani, I really like her.." I looked up at him as he looked down at his hands that sat in his lap.

"Then be honest with her, Atlantic. You know she would swoon right under your words if you are direct and ask her straight up."

"But what do I do if she rejects me and I lose my only shot with her?"

"You really think she would say no? Listen, out of everyone to ask about Mae, the best person to ask would be Kusumoto and Geronimo. I have never lied to you, Tic. And I don't intend to start today. I think that you have a shot and you need to take it," I finished my coffee and food, setting the dishes in the sink before looking at the blonde boy. He tackled me in a hug, making me stumble back on my feet.

"Thank you, Ali!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I awkwardly patted his back before he released me and ran off. God, that was one way to start my morning.

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