Chapter 12

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I could tell he wasn't lying by the way his voice shook. I looked into his light brown eyes tinged with water and saw myself that first day I came up from the box. Just a scared greenie with no idea what the glade would do to me. 

"Thomas, huh? Not the worst name I've heard here," I laughed as I got off of him and reached out my hand towards him.

I pulled him off the ground, and he started to crack a smile while he dusted the dirt off his shirt. 

"Sorry for the aggressive greeting, just instinct after living here for so long I guess," I shrugged. 

"It's all good, just one question though. How exactly do we get out of here?" he asked. 

I tried so hard to hold in my laugh, but half a giggle still found its way out.

"We've been trying to figure that out for the last three years. Anything you can think of, we've tried it. The more pressing issue is that we need to survive the night in here," I said as I gestured to the towering walls, "no one's ever done it before".

"No one's ever survived a night in the maze? Ever?" he said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Don't worry Greenie, we'll be the first," I said with a smile as I hit his arm playfully. "First, we have to find a place to hide. The sun is already halfway under the maze wall. Let's get running." 

"Alright, you're the boss. Ready when you are," He said with confidence.

I told him to look for any kind of cover while I drew where we ran in the maze, so we could find our way home in the morning. I kept drawing until I realized I could barely see the paper anymore. Just as I looked up to the sky to search for the sun, I hear and ear splitting screech. Fuck. The sun had set and the grievers were out.

Minho's POV

I borderline skipped to dinner, my stomach grumbling and excited for Frypan's famous stew. I looked for Newt, but I didn't see him anywhere. I made eye contact with Winston while scanning the room, so I decided to eat with him

"Yo have you seen Newt?" I asked Winston as I sat down across from him.

"You haven't heard?" Winston said with absolute disbelief in his voice.

"Heard what?" I said, my voice getting deeper with worry for my best friend.

"Y/N never got back from the maze today, she's trapped. And she's not alone, the Greenie ran in their after her, and Newt was the last one to talk to him"

A wave of panic washed over me, and all noise started to fade away. Every possible scenario was running through my head. Every twisted and heinous thing that could happen to her went through my mind a thousand times.

Fuck. I have to find Newt.

"Sorry Winston, I gotta go," I choked out with urgency still in my voice.

I ran over to his hut. I opened the door, but he wasn't there. Where the hell was he? I ran over to Y/N's hut, but he wasn't there either.

Then it hit me. Of COURSE. He had to be in their spot.

I ran over to the forest section of the glade. I had been through these trees a million times, but the sunset barely gave me any light to work with. I made a sharp turn and I saw him. He was at their tree.

Newt's POV

After an hour of sitting in my hut in pure shock, I found myself in the forest. Before I knew it I was at our willow tree. I hadn't been here since we stopped talking. The place we spent all of our time together, the place we went to escape the heaviness and pressure of the glade.

"I wish we could stay under this tree forever, you know. It's all so much easier when it's just me and you" She said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Sitting down with our backs against the tree was the only thing that made me feel better. I could watch her talk until the end of time. Something about just being near her made all my stress and worry melt away. 

"I couldn't agree more" I said as I rested my head on top of hers. "I could stay like this forever." I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy, and we drifted off to sleep together.

I didn't even realize I was crying until Minho sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I turned to look a him, tears falling from my eyes.

"I know" was all he said as he pulled me into a hug.

I dug my head into his shoulder and cried until my eyes ran dry. Minho was my best friend and I was grateful for him, but why couldn't he make me feel better?


GUYS IM SO SORRY. I LITERALLY JUST LOST ALL MOTIVATION. my friends found this tho and forced me to update :) so u can thank them! I'm back now, at least for a little. I'll try my best to write as much as possible until I get into another period of writer's block. anyways thanks for dealing with me.

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