"Do you not want me to go?" She asked. Truth be told she felt uncomfortable going on a trip with 2 girls who disliked her and she knew Josiah felt the awkwardness in it too.

"Did I say that? Did you take your medicine today?" He asked

"Yes I did and if you want me to be there I have to be there remember?" She said smiling

"Well I want you there, I was just asking because you and your broken bones, I don't want you to be in pain the entire time"

"What's the difference if I'm in pain at home than in Aspen?"

"You'll be in your own bed?"

"And I probably won't even feel like this next week, I'll try not to be mean to you anymore" she said

"It's not really mean, you're acting how normal people act. Usually you're abnormally nice which makes how you act now, mean"

"So I'm not being mean to you I'm being normal?"

"It's not your normal though"

"Huh?" She asked

"Just forget about it, here is 5 dollars for that coffee you were about to cry about" he said pulling a 5 out of his pocket

"I was not about to cry, what you did was sooooo aggravating"

"You were, Josiah please give me it back" he said in a whiny tone.

"I don't sound like that, who were those people you were talking to today?" She remembered to ask finally, she wasn't jealous but she was beginning to realize how popular Josiah was.

Josiah kissed her instead of continuing the conversation she looked good to him and couldn't resist. As they continued Aubrey's mind went empty and forgot all about it. It was short lived because the two were interrupted by Leah opening her door.

"Josiah what are you doing, let's go" She said.

The two had plans and he'd completely forgotten. Aubrey rolled her eyes before laying flat on her bed deciding not to say anything.

"I'll be back later okay?" He said

"Ok" she said before sighing

"Are you mad?"

"No I just wish she was like 20 minutes late." She said insinuating that she wished the two got to finish what he started.

"When I come back" he said kissing her once more.

"When will that be?"

"A couple hours, you'll be awake"

"Have fun" she said.

"Have fun pookie bear" Leah mocked once they got outside

"shut up" he said smacking his teeth.

"You know I never got an apology for his she talked to me that day she went to the doctor"

"I got one, we can share it" he said

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