I quickly made a huge sandwich and checked up on my business and made a few calls before heading to my legal home.

I used to called it my home when I was younger but I stopped once the abuse started at the age of six.

Yea, that's right I was fucking 6.

I think the plan was to keep me as their maid and they were even more hurt they couldn't take care of their son that they put him up for adoption.

So, they swiftly turned to me and I became their fucking punching bag that could never be replaced. They blamed me for everything. They used me.

They were fine before the abuse. All I had to do was clean up and they pretended I wasn't there at all. But one day, the day that my cousin was given up, they hated me because they knew they couldn't take care of me, him and themselves.

I was apparently the cause of all their bad luck and un fortune. So, I spent years being abused. Being depressed and helpless.

But, it never bothered me considering I knew people had it worse.

I drop my motorcycle off a few blocks away from Lilly and John's medium sized house, which I had no idea how they afforded.

I walked, humming to myself the rest of the way with money for rent inside my jacket pocket.

Yep, that's right a 16 year old paying rent for her abusive aunt and uncle.

It's the least I can do after they took me in after my parents died.

I stop in my steps, abruptly when I see the pale blue house burning as a sadistic smile takes over my features. I think I know exactly who did it. Or the bastards are dumb as fuck and accidentally left their cigarette lit.

Are the idiots still inside though?

I briskly snap out of my barbarous thoughts once I see the raging red and blue lights of police cars and firefighter trucks coming, the two neighbors were still inside their houses, staring at the house in surprise.

The blaring sounds made me cringe slightly as I liked the quiet more than anything.

I hastily wipe off my sadistic smile and start fake crying, after making sure my money is fully secure inside my leather jacket so no one sees it.

I see a fairly young, female police officer with black hair in a bun coming towards me and I start sobbing even more, falling onto my knees to make a dramatic affect.

Fuck, I'm awesome!

"Hey sweetie, I'm not gonna hurt you. Do you know who lives here?" She asked softly, kneeling in front of me, notepad in her hands, a cautionary look on her face.

"U-mm m-my a-unt-t an-dd un-cle a-nd m-e," I stutter out and act innocent when in reality; I am over the fucking moon.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. This must be awful for you. Do you have any other family?" She looks at me with pity.

I hate fucking pity.

It's not like it's gonna help the situation.

I shake my head no, rubbing my hands on my eyes, sobbing more softly this time.

Lilly said that my father, mother and brothers died in a car crash after I confronted her about why I live with her out of no where.

Is it bad that I don't remember them?

"Okay we will take you in and do a few DNA tests. Is that okay?" She softly says, as if I'm gonna shatter into a million pieces.

I nod, thinking 'Why not? What's the worst that can happen?'

The officer slowly 'helps' me up and then leads me to a police car. She turns on the radio station as it informs others about the weather and the 'accident' that occurred on my aunt and uncles street. "Oh! My bad, I'm officer Abadi and I'll help you with your case."

We arrive to the station in 30 minutes considering my aunt and uncle live in the poorer part of the town and the fact that officer Abadi drives slower than a snail.

Turbo doesn't count.

We go to the police station and Officer Abadi calls over one of the doctors that are still working and he takes some strands hair and some of my blood.

"Here are some more comfortable clothes, sweetie. You can change in the bathroom. Take a left down this hallway. I can take you if you want." She explains as she hands me a gray sweater and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Thank you," I whimper, keeping up my act as the innocent 16 year old girl that just lost her only family. "I can go alone to the bathroom though." I add as she followed me and then turned back around to sit in her chair and sent me a small smile.

At least she's not a bitch.

I stop in my tracks at the wooden door and twist the cold silver knob. The bathroom was a downgrade from what I was used to, considering mine was expensive as hell. It did have a weird smell that made me wanna throw up in the nasty looking toilet.

I wash the fake tears of my face in the small bathroom, exchange my jeans for sweatpants and head out, making sure my money was still secure.

"The results will be available tommorow afternoon." The doctor informs us as he packs up his matte black suitcase and walks away as I sit back into the chair I was in before, wiping my eyes to clear them and make it look like it still hurt that my 'family' died.

I sigh quietly and look down, hoping someone will take me in who doesn't care about me so I can live my life the way I want.


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Question of the update

- What motorcycle do you want?

Hope you have a nice day!

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