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Valerie Colver

"You promise that you'll tell me all about it?" Tilly asked again. I looked up from applying blush and walked towards her on Zayn and Gigi's bed. Originally one of the boys were going to watch her while Harry and I go to whatever he planned, but the boys were being difficult so Gigi agreed to watch her. Gigi felt sick this morning so she canceled the plans for tonight. On the bright side, she looked a lot better than she did this morning.

"Yes Tilly. I promise I will tell you every detail and not leave anything out. But you missy, need to worry about going to bed and not give Aunty Gigi a hard time." I eyed her, making her cover her face with the blanket and giggle.

"Val! Hurry up, we're all heading out now!" I heard from the hallway.

"I mean it Tilly. You better not give Aunty Gigi a hard time." I repeated myself, giving her a kiss on a cheek before opening the door.

"Thank you again Gigi." I thanked from the door, seeing her walk out of the bathroom in her robe. Her hair was in a bun showing her swelled up cheeks.

"It's no problem Val. Mommy and daddy date." She teased.

I playfully rolled my eyes before grabbing the doorknob, "you better be closing your eyes right now." I waited for an answer before fully leaving the room.

"I am mommy." I smiled then shut the door. I was face to face with Harry. He stood in a black Prince shirt and black skinny jeans.

The usual.

"Hey." He greeted, showing his bunny teeth and gelled back hair.

"Hey." I replied back. Harry fiddled with something behind his back. It took him a few seconds to find what he was looking for, but once he did he pulled out a box of chocolate.

Harry's hand scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I would've got some-"

"No. This is completely fine. Thank you." I thanked, putting it behind my back pocket. I would definitely be sharing these with Tilly behind her father's back.

"Is she sleeping?" We both knew the answer to that question.

"No." I laughed. "She is really sleepy though. I just hope she does fall asleep and not give Gigi trouble." I explained as we walked down the hallway.

"She reminds me of Andrea w-" Harry abruptly stopped when mentioning the mother of his daughter. I turned to face him and saw the fear in his eyes. They were wide and stayed still. His breathing was no longer normal but going in a rapidly fast pace.

He was having a panic attack.

"Hey, Harry. Look at me please." I was no expert on these things, but from personal experience I tried to help.

"Hey, hey, you're going to be okay." I placed both my hands on each side of his face and rubbed my thumbs back and forth against his pale cheeks. I continued to do this until I saw his eyes landed on mine.

"You're okay. You're okay." I repeated. I kept my eyes on him, pushing tiny pieces of hair that fell on his face back. I hoped my gentle touch would calm him down. I felt him slide down the wall so I followed him, keeping my hands on his face. He sat with his knees up with me inside them on my own knees.

"In and out." I showed him. I continued this until his breathing got back to normal.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." He paced, pushing my hand away to standing up. He turned around, facing the opposite direction from me.

"I'm not judging you Harry." I assured him, standing back up. I tired to get a glance of him, but every time I looked he moved away.

"I prom-"

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