
Start from the beginning

,,5 points from Slytherin for using  the wrong spell." I gasp and turn to Malfoy furiously  Stupefy . ,,There." I say watching  him crash against a cabinet. The whole class starts laughing but I just glare at the Professor. ,,Nott detention. " I try my hardest not to send him to hell but keep quiet.

The lesson goes on with Snape talking about Merlin knows what but my eyes are locked on  Malfoy who's glaring at me deadly.  We stare at each other the whole lesson without breaking eye contact. People around us might think we're mad .

Class ends and I get up to gather my stuff  but a icy hand with cold rings pulls me back  down. ,,You'll regret this Nott." He whispers and proceeds to get up and stroll away.  I stay put and watch  him leave the classroom. 

He ignored me for the rest of the  day and I've never been in such an awful mood before.  The other's tried talking to me but I've only sent them a glare in response.  My thoughts drifting to that infuriating blonde.

Classes were finally over for the day and I couldn't wait to get through this detention. While I walk to professor Snape's office I let myself get lost in my thoughts. What would father think ? My first day here and I already have detention.  What's wrong with me. 

On the bright side , Theo would probably high five me. I chuckle at the thought but my laughter gets stuck in my throat when I round the corner. I take a deep breath before I enter Snape's office.

,,Miss Nott, you are  late..." I stare at him and then at the old clock behind him. I'm 2 minutes late- ,,I'm sorry Professor, I'm still finding my way through the castle. " I defend myself. He tells me to sit down and write an essay about the stunning spell and how to use it. Jerk. 

I'm halfway done when the door to his office opens and in enters a blonde I know too well for my own good.  ,,You wanted to see me Professor?" He asks politely.

,,Yes Mr Malfoy , as Prefect I don't think you would mind keeping an eye on Miss Nott while I'm away." He responds calmly.  What did he say? I look at the both of them , who are staring at each other like their plotting with each other in their minds. 

,,Of course Professor. " Malfoy replies and watches him walk out dramatically. When Snape is out of sight he finally looks at me , a smirk planted on his pale face . He walks over to Snape's desk and leans on it , ankles crossed and hands together. His wearing dark pants and a white shirt with his green tie. Lips slightly apart- oh Merlin I'm staring. I quickly look down to my essay and get my quill from the table, my hands shaking making me drop the quill.

I watch as the quill rolls on the floor and before I can think I get up and go to pick it up. I drop on my knees to get it from under a table when a pair of shoes comes into my sight.  I slowly look up, quill  in my left hand.  He's  staring at me and my cheeks start burning. I look down to the floor embarrassed but he takes my chin and makes me look up at his grey stormy eyes.

,,I believe you've been a bad girl Nott." He whispers. It's like the air has been knocked out of me and suddenly I can't breathe properly,  I can't think properly.  ,,What?" I ask with a shaky voice. ,,You heard me."

I blink once. Twice. I breathe in. ,,What do you want from me?" I breathe out . He tsks at me. ,,Don't play dumb Nott, you're smarter than this. ", he utters ,,Get up." He commands.

I slowly obey. His hand finds my throat,  cold rings marking me. He pushes me against a desk not leaving my eyes. ,,You've been very bad Nott. And for that you'll get punished." I gulp. He pulls my skirt up and pulls down my panties, not carrying about where we are, who could come in , what situation we are in.

,,You'll be quiet for me, understood?" I nod. I've never been so turned on and scared at the same time. Enzo never punished me. He never made me keep quiet. He never made me feel what I feel with him.  His cold  fingers find my entrance making me bite my lip to prevent myself from making any sounds. He sticks one finger in making me whimper, his eyes never leaving mine.

That's when all my senses come together and reality comes crashing down. ,,Stop." I breathe out. He stops in his tracks and raises a brow. ,,Get off. I'm not a toy you can play around with ." He steps  away and I grab my things and walk out without looking back.  Holy fuck. I did that?

I run back  to the common room and say the password.  The portrait opens and I jump in like I'm running for my life. My heartbeat feels like it's echoing through the common room, vibrating off the walls, jumping and  spacing around. My head throbs, the adrenaline coming off. I think I'm having a panic attack. My surroundings get blurry. People talking,  everything is muffled. Someone  is calling my name but I can't hear it , everything tunes out. What's happening with me?

,,Nott." Someone shouts but I can't see past the blur . I hear my name from different directions, my vision going dark . Blank , that's when I pass out.

Oh no not Malfoy again, don't worry,  he's preparing us for the ride :)I promise guys Theo is coming.. in 2 chapters I hear? Oh this is gonna turn out interesting.  I can't wait!!

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