"And how would you know that, Mr. Evil?"

"I just know."

"You do?" She repeatedly, softly, before passing out into my lap.

Looks like someone had too much to drink, but at least she wouldn't remember our conversation.


Being the amazing person I was, emphasis on amazing, I had not hesitated to dump cold buckets of water of the heads of every individual at six in the morning, despite their varied states of hangover severeness. Somehow, I'd even managed to medicate all of them with painkillers, and usher them all into my car, with the help of Ian, who'd drunk very little alcohol compared to the other. Unfortunately, I now had four (and a half, if Ian counted) extremely cranky and hungover teenagers in my car. The car ride to Cadise was probably one of the most frustrating car rides of my life, and it went mostly like this:

Kyle: My head hurts.

Derek: Shut up and let me sleep, jackass.

Kyle: Okay . . .

Two mins later,

Kyle: I'm hungry

Quinn: I'm Quinn

Kyle: What creativity!

Quinn: Shut up. Are we there yet, Driver? It's soo cold in the car. Someone close the windows.

Me: You should have thought of that before you smashed my car window in, Princess.

Kyra: Can every body just shut the fuck up? Some of us actually want to sleep!

But by some miracle, one hour and 7 rehearsals of the same above given script later, we reached the place where Kyle's friend had told us to go.

I neatly parked and got out to fill out the forms and pay the money for the two day stay that we had decided on, for the rest of the cranky teenagers who had just gotten out of the car, and were stretching themselves in the weirdest ways possible.

In a half an hour, with everyone fully awake, and hangover-less, we reached the island of Cadise.


Our tour guide was a 22 year old college student, named Tommy, who was working as a guide in his hometown, it payed for his college tuition.

As our boat docked in the small harbor, he explained to us how the Cadise and Malaga islands were named. "A very rich businessman of the time had gone exploring with his daughter and her best friend. However, the same day a storm occurred and the girls were killed. Later, when the businessman made his way back to civilization, he got credit for discovering them and he named the islands after the two girls, Cadise and Malaga."

"What kind of parent names their kid Malaga?" Quinn asked snottily, as she pulled out her hot pink camera from her designer handbag.

"Cadise's best friend, Malaga was actually the daughter of a Red Indian chief, so her name was traditional for the Red Indians." Tommy the tour guide said, indifferently.

"Oh," was her uninterested reply, as she started taking pictures of the island.

The island was huge and covered in lush green forest. The majority of it was sloping upward, but towards the middle, there was a small mountain, with a large river snaking down through the middle. A large group of cabins lay in the right side of the mountain.

Pointing to them, Tommy said,"That's were you'll will be staying tonight. Lucky for you'll, you guys are pretty much the only ones on the islands today."

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