Set up (Charlie Weasley)

Depuis le début

"We have a mission." I started.

"Code: Charlie gets laid." George finishes.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"We're going to get Charlie and Y/n together." I answered.

"And exactly how is that going to work." Harry questioned.

"We are going to set them up on a date." I said.

"Without them knowing." George stated.

"So Hermione, Ginny, I need you two to get Y/n to the Black Lake. Harry, Ron, also get Charlie to the Black Lake and we'll handle the rest." I ordered.

"This better work, I should be studying for the next task." Harry muttered.


Y/n POV:
"Hey Y/n!" Hermione called. I was sitting in between two pillars facing the courtyard, reading.

"Hello Hermione, Ginny. What's up?" I asked.

"Professor Snape asked if you could go the Black Lake and get some weeds for a potion. He ran out last class." Hermione stated.

"Yeah. Of course." I close my book and sat up. "Anything else?"

"No, that's all." Hermione answered.

"Well then, I'll see you ladies later."

As I made my way to the Lake, I could a blanket and a picnic basket. "What is all this?" I asked myself.

"Let me guess, my brother and his friends told you come to the Lake for some reason?" I turned around to see Charlie.

"Yeah, Hermione told me Snape needed some weeds by the Lake." I answered.

"Looks like we're being set up on a date." He said looking at the basket and blanket.

"I'm fine with that. Free food." I laughed and sat down with Charlie.

-30 minutes later-

"This was actually very nice, we haven't gone out for a date in a while." I said eating a chocolate covered strawberry.

"What are you talking about, we went on a date last month." Charlie stated.

"You call watching a mother dragon lay her eggs and get scratches all over your arms a date?" I asked.

"Kind of, yeah." He laughed.

In the distant, I could hear the bushes brush against each other. It was weird because, it wasn't windy out. "Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" He said.

"Listen." I whispered. We both stopped talking and we could hear the bushes talk. "Ron, you're going to get us caught." "Sorry, it's itchy."

We both started laugh quietly. "Here let's put on a show of them." I whispered.

"Well, this nice." I said loudly enough for them to hear.

"Yes it was." Charlie followed on.

"I'll see you later." I asked. Charlie nodded his head. I placed a kiss on his cheek, winked and walked away.

"Oi you lot! You can come out now!" Charlie yelled. No one said anything until Ron came bursting out of the bush. Everyone else got up and walked around them.

"Oh hello Charlie, fancy seeing you here." Fred joked.

"Very funny you guys." Charlie said.


It was now the third final task of the tournament. "Listen to me! No matter what happens, if you win or lose, I am so proud of you." I told Viktor before walking to the Champions booth with my parents.

"Oh! Hello Charlie." I greeted.

"Hello Y/n. Come meet my parents." He gestured me towards the Weasleys. "You know all my younger siblings, this is my older brother Bill and this is my mother and father, Molly and Arthur. This is Y/n, we graduated together and now we both work in Romania."

"Hello Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." I greeted.

"Hello dear. Please call us Molly and Arthur." She hugged me.

I sat next to Charlie during the task. And every time someone screamed, Charlie would grab my hand reassuring me everything is alright. The second red light shot into air. Out came Viktor. I rushed down to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I think was cursed, I feel dizzy." He fell into my arms.

"Headmaster! Help!" I yelled to Karkaroff.

"Bring him over here." He answered. I sat him down on the bench next to his classmates.

"Is he alright?" Charlie asked as I made my way back to the booth.

"Apparently he was cursed inside the maze." I answered.

"Merlin! Don't worry he's strong, he'll make it." He assured.

An hour after Viktor came out of the maze, I loud pop sound was made. Harry and Cedric came back with the cup in their hands.

"The Triwizard Champion from Hogwarts... Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter!" Everyone started to cheer. Charlie picked me up and spun me around and kissed me. I was in the moment, I didn't notice the looks our families were giving us.

"Wicked." The twins said in unison.

"I thought you two said, you weren't dating." Hermione asked.

"We aren't. We're married. Our four year anniversary is next month." Charlie stated wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Your married!" Molly yelled.

"It was just us and a priest mum, we didn't want anything big." Charlie said.

"Viktor was the ring bearer. It was a sight to see." I laughed.

"Bloody hell! We're related to the Krum's!" Ron called out.

"You two don't act married." Fred said.

"And you don't have rings." George added.

We both pulled out our rings from the inside of shirts at the same time.

"Twins." We said in unison, fist bumping.

"Godric, they're perfect for each other." Bill said as the rest of his family seemed to agree.


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