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Bella's pov

When me, Edward, Jane and Alec all went inside the house we went into the living room and we sat down but before I did I went into the kitchen and I went over to the fridge and I opened it and I lifted out 2 bottles of blood and I shut the fridge again and I walked into the living room and I sat down on the couch and I hand both Jane and Alec a bottle each and I said it's animal blood and once I said that they both opened the bottle and drank it and then both me and Edward laughed.

So then I said Edward we should phone the others and tell them the Volturi isn't a issue anymore and Edward said yeah we should and so then me and edward phoned Carlisle and Esme then Alice and Jasper and then Rosalie and Emmett and we told them that I had killed the Volturi and that Jane and Alec are now living with me and Edward and the family was happy at that and then we hung up the phones and we sat and talked to Jane and Alec about what was going to happen now that they are apart of our family and stuff like that.

Then Jane said Bella I know we aren't your really kids but can we call you and Edward mom and dad and I looked at Edward and he nodded his head yes and so I said of course you both can and both Jane and Alec said thank you mom and they both hugged me and when they let me go I heard the front door open and I saw Jeremy, Kai, Leon, Melody, Macy, Millie, Renesmee, Annabel, Mason, Anthony and EJ all walk into the living room and they all gasped when they saw Jane and Alec and I said ok so alot has happened since you all left this morning.

So then Macy said oh yeah I bet so please explain why there is 2 Volturi members in our living room momma and I said ok when you all went to school the door bell rang and I answered it to see the Volturi all standing there and they hand your daddy by the thoat so I got made and killed them all and I set them all on fire after I teased them all a bit about my shielding power which jane didn't like one bit and then I heard jane laugh in the background of me telling my story and I looked at Jane and she shut up.

Then before I killed the Volturi Jane and Alec said they were forced to do all those horrible things and with my gift I knew they were telling the truth and they both asked to stay with us and be on our diet and I said it was fine and Anna said walking over to Jane and Alec well then I guess your our new brother and sister then and the rest of my kids all went up to Jane and Alec and hugged them and welcomed the to the family and I was so happy that me, Edward, the kids plus Jane and Alec were going to be a great family.

The end

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