Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

Once I ran through the woods to get to Jacob's house I finally got there and when I got there I ran out of the woods and I saw Jacob and Sam standing at my dad's front door and so I howled and Sam said phase back and so I nodded my wolf head and I ran over to the tree on my right and I phased back and even phasing back was painful and I howled and then I screamed doing it.

So once the phase was done every bone in my body was so sore I could barely move it but I knew I had to so I then looked down and I saw some clothes sitting on the ground so I smiled and put them on and then I walked from behind the tree and I walked over to where Jacob and Sam was standing and Jacob said nice to see you again sister and I said you too bro so what's going to happen while I'm here.

Then Jacob said well there will be rules first you will hunt off of our lands and then Sam said second if me or Sam ask you to patrol you do it and Jacob said the third rule is that while your here on our lands I'm the alpha which means you follow me got it and I said yeah ok I got it and then I saw Rachel walk out of the house and she ran up to me and hugged me and said good to finally see you in person bells.

So I said yeah you to sis I've missed you and Rachel said yeah I've missed you to and then I said so where's Rebecca and Rachel said well she phased 2 years back but since she had a husband and kid she moved and went to live with them once Jacob helped her get her temper under control and I said oh right ok and then Rachel said so Bella what is it you I'll need to do to bring dad back.

Then I said well it will take a while it won't just take a day and all I'll need to do is place my hand over his heart and wish him awake but the problem with this power to bring people back from the dead is that if I'm bringing one person back I must bring 2 it's the only way the power will work that's why it's going to take me so long because I must find the other person to bring back.

So Jacob said well that's easy Bella bring back mum and Rachel gasped and said yeah Bella bring mum back I'm sure she would be grateful and I said thinking about it yeah ok fine I'll bring mum back and then I looked at Jake and I said look Jake I'll do this for you but once it's done I'm leaving because I've got a family and I'm pregnant with 3 more kids I've got to go home because I've just got 2 of my daughters back who I haven't seen since they were 2 years old and I had to come here.

Then Jake said yes we understand Bella and I said ok then and so me, Jacob, Sam and Rachel all went into the house and we went into the living room where the rest of the pack was and they all said hi to me and then old Quil said good to see you again Bella and I said no don't you dare act like nothing happened don't even fucking think about it Quil after what you, dad, Sue, Harry and Joshua all did to me before I left I'm here for one thing to bring my dad back that's all I have my own family to think about now.

So old Quil said we are sorry Bella really and I said no your not none of you are because all you elders told my brother and the pack to phase and hurt me and they did they almost ripped me apart and if I wasn't a vampire at the time I would have died and you would have left 8 innocent little babies without a mom and Sue said we are so sorry Bella and we will do anything to make it up to you.

Then I said you go fuck yourselves and then I looked at Jacob and I said I need someone to go get mom's body from her grave if I'm to do this Jake and then whole room gasped and Jacob looked at Brady and said Brady go to my mum's grave out the back and bring her in and Brady said sure Jake and ran out of the living room and then I said to the others for me to bring dad back I have to bring one more back to it's the only way for the dead power to work.

So all the people in the room all said oh right and then I looked at Jacob and I said I told Edward when I left yesterday that I would be back in 4 months but I think I'll just head home once I'm sure the power works because I can't stay here knowing what you all did to me I'm already fight the urge to fight with you all and Jacob said why did you say 4 months and I said because I didn't know how long it was going to take me to find another person to bring back but since you made it easy for me then I'll be able to go home tonight.

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