Chapter 16

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Bella's pov

Once mine and Edward's 8 kids all walked into the room they all saw the baby boys in mine and Edward's arms and Anna said momma you were right they were all boys and I said yeah I was right sweetie and then Anthony said so momma what's their names and I said well the one in my left arm is called Jeremy and the one in my right arm is called Kai and then Edward said yes and this little one is called Leon.

Then the kids all smiled and Macy said they are nice names momma and daddy we love forward to having new brothers and I said well then last good because not only do you have new brother but you also have a new uncle and new cousins and the kids all gasped and then Millie said momma are we safe and I said what do you mean sweetie and Millie said are we safe from the pack and the Volturi.

So I just said not wanting to say anything at all yes we are very much safe and no matter what happens I will always protect you kids all of you even your uncle and your cousins and Mason said momma did you ask dad yet and the kids all said yeah momma we really want to go and I said no I haven't ask him yet I was busy giving birth to your brothers and Edward said what what's wrong and I said nothing is wrong the kids just came and asked me while you were helping Esme give birth if they could all go to school.

Then Edward gasped while wiping Leon's mouth and then he said as he looked at our 8 children wait what you want to go to school and EJ said yes daddy oh please let us we want to make friends and learn stuff like other kids our age and Edward said ok fine when you put it like that but you all must promise that if you have any trouble what so ever that you will leave the school and hunt and all of our kids said we promise daddy and ran out of the medical room and went to their rooms for bed.

So once the kids left me and Edward walked out of the medical room and walked to our room and we went inside and we placed each of our kids into their cots and then I grabbed 3 bottles of blood from the small fridge in our room and I handed one to Edward and Edward went over to Leon's cot and fed him while I fed both Jeremy and Kai their bottle of blood to and then when the bottle where done I gave them to Edward and he binned them and then he went and sat on the bed.

Then I sung Jeremy, Kai and Leon to sleep while Edward sat on the bed and watched and then once my baby boys where asleep I walked over to the bed and I sat beside Edward and he said its in believable and I said oh yeah what's that and Edward said well the kids it feels like it was yesterday that they were only born and now they are starting school.

So I said yeah I know it's mad but it's what they want and I'm not going to stop them beside it's gets them out of the house while we care for Jeremy, Kai and Leon and while Esme and Carlisle cares for Adam and while Alice and Jasper care for Evie and while Rosalie and Emmett care for Sasha and Joey and Edward said yeah your right you always are and then me and Edward lied on the bed talking all night about our future.

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