Chapter 2

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     As I got into the room, my brain started the thinking as if it was being reminded. I chuckled at my silly self knowing fully well it couldn't avoid the thinking it brought.
      Oyin and I have been very good friends since we were in Jss1. Then, we were both new intakes to Grace high school and since then, we've been so close that anywhere there was Joke, there was Oyin and vice versa.
        Well, the problem started in ss1 where we had some new students in class. They were three; Prince, Ola and Nana. As it would be, there was a fast growing bond between Oyin and Nana such that I was now second to her(jealousy kept apart). Soon, Oyin started exhibiting some characters that we promised ourselves not to engage in. Things that weren't supposed to be seen with a girl her age. I tried to warn her but the influence of Nana had eaten deep into her. She calls it enjoyment or pleasure as it is and I just had to leave her to fate.
           That day at school, Oyin had called me to the school garden vomiting trash about Ola, one of the new students in class wanting to date me. Well, I wasn't surprised as it was one of their features as he was a member of the group. It was then she rounded it up saying it was no big deal.
        I really didn't know what to think or do.....

       "Oh No!!!!".....
    I had drifted off to sleep the previous night and I had less time to prepare for school. Quickly, I had my bath and dressed..
      As I headed down the stairs, very confused on what to do, I decided it was time I reversed my decision on being discreet on the issue. I was going to tell  Dad before the pressure become more than I could handled..

Trials of TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ