" I'm only going to do that when maybe the need arises ." - I smiled straightening my hijab .


I rushed in and got inside my room to freshen up .

Allahumma Innee A' oodhu bika Minal - khubuthi wal Khaba 'ith .

I mumbled before entering my bathroom .


I mumbled once more stepping out to put on a comfy granny pajama .

I put on my hijab and got ready for my Isha Salah .

Don't come bugging me sleep , I'll close my eyes when I'm done .

I placed my praying mat neatly on the ground and stood calmly as I worshipped my one and only creator , Allah .

" Pakeeza , food is ready . " - I heard a knock on my door as I finished my Qur'an reading and headed downstairs .

" Is there going to be dessert ! " - I sang on my way down .

" I guess , if you'd like the brownies I made . " - she smiled .

" You make me miss my family more and more , everyday . "- I sat down then rubbed my hands .

Bismillahi wa ' ala Barakatulilla .

It was soon empty as I smiled in victory.

" Do you want seconds ? " - she asked in the living room .

" No thank you , I think I'll pop if I have another bite plus over-eating is  haram anyway . "- I replied taking a bite from a brownie .

* Ring , Ring *

" Are you expecting anyone , " - I directed to the door .

" ... No , "- she replied busy sketching for the next big thing .

" Open up , it's me Damien ! " - he yelled from behind the door .

" I'm not opening the door for your annoying brother . "- I took my seat and changed the channel .

" What's he doing here anyway ! " - she huffed obviously as angry as I am .

Everytime Damien's at home , there's always trouble and quarreling between both him and his sister , he doesn't do his dishes , I think he hates a clean room as well because everytime we leave him alone , we come back to meet the place thrashed like a hurricane made destruction . Even if , it's just for a minute .

" What are you doing here ! " - she began without letting him utter a word .

" At least , let me in . It's about to rain you know . " - he let himself in while Stephanie locked the door .

" Pakeeza ! " - he began running to hug .
Hug ? No .

I ran back screaming as I threw a pillow at him .

He clutched his knee as he laughed uncontrollably .

" It never gets old , I'm not going to hug you Pakeeza . " - he smiled heading to the kitchen to raid our fridge .

" I - I knew that , " - I calmed my racing heart .

" Then why don't I believe you , " - he fetched a hand full of chips and dumped them in his mouth .

" Well because you're a terrible human lie detector . " - I stomped back to the living room to continue watching the movie .

" Nice ... Thing you're wearing . " - he began laughing again .  " I'd say , you look extremely like my ... great grand mother . " - he turned back to the fridge .

I kept quiet but satisfied that I wore this today .

" Stephanie , don't you have any food ... "

" When are you leaving my house Damien Winchester ? "- she stopped sketching to look him in the  eye after cutting him short .

" Wow , straight forward as always I see . I came to crash here for a bit . One of the guys almost burnt my  kitchen and I can't sleep with my house smelling like over- cooked food ... I also have to go to work so hopefully ... I'll be gone in three days . "- he smiled .

" Three what now ?! "- I exclaimed extremely furious .

" I promise to behave myself this time , " -he pouted .

" The last time you were here , you burnt our couch . "- she stated with her arms folded .

" It was an accident but fortunately it wasn't the whole thing ." -

Who knows what will happen if he stays here for the third time , maybe he'd even burn all our curtains .

" But you still burnt it ,  Damien . " - she threw her sketchbook at him .

" You know , it's good to let go of things . Because grudges gives you wrinkles and you even got a new couch . "- he gestured to the new cream colored couch . " So let's not dwell into the past ... " -

" I don't want to see you here all the time , busy yourself with work , do your own laundry , do your own dishes and . Clean . After . Yourself . "- she instructed .

I got tired sooner than expected so decided to turn of the television and head on to my room .

It seems I also have to busy myself with work so I don't meet him frequently . This is going to be the longest . Three . Days . Ever ~

"  come on ! what do you mean I should do my own laundry ? "

Assalamualaikum ,
Seems we've finally met the famous annoying brother of Stephanie's .

What do you think , should we let Stephanie kick him out soon or do you like this sibling drama ?

The Dangers Of Loving You .जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें