52: Eternity

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Blood moon. That's fitting. Inhaling, I lower my head and step down into the desolate courtyard that once held so much life, happiness and hope. With Ryken's recent bonfire, the lingering scent of ash still lingers in the cool evening air.

Somehow, it's soothing. As bizarre as that is. Lifting the longstanding bottle toward the full amber-coloured moon, I salute my love, my lost allies and friends, before allowing the potent liquor to coat the taste buds of my tongue before smoothy sliding down the length of my throat, warming the coldness within.

It's not often I indulge within such luxuries, like scotch. 'Damn, that's fine,' Ryken lazily voices from deep inside my mind. He's been quiet since the battle ended. Since Tartarus left, bringing all ruminants of combat along with him.

Furthermore, the destruction of plant life was instantly restored to its previous glory, as if it were never trampled upon. The pints of blood from where our fallen Warriors laid dead evaporated as if never split. Even Nico was nowhere to be found. He vanished as if he never existed. All Tartarus left behind was our deceased, who we had just finished honouring in a mass ceremony.

Hauling back another chug of the potent liquor, I slowly make my way into the secluded space. Needing, craving the serenity I so demand, yet can't seem to find. I haven't slept in days. My mind is a muddled, chaotic mess. I need to find a way to prioritize and hope that this space I somehow gravitated toward will allow me to find it.

Another glance up at the moon has a ghost of a grin catching my lips. 'Start with the positive... and tip that bottle Ky,' Ryken pipes in as I sniff and take another swig for my wolf.

Our people... both human and shifter, worldwide are safe and accounted for. As expected from Tartarus's information, there was no contact with other bunkers outside the Americas. It would seem the world was more divided than we had initially thought. We were aware of the Americas being ruled and split into what was known as countries well before the Great Fall but just assumed the bunkers residing below the Earth's crust were somehow in contact.

We were wrong.

Many bunkers, including Porteous's primary residence, were not accounted for. It was well hidden and the first that will be explored in the coming months. It makes me wonder how many undergrounders there are. How many ruthless, if not slightly mad, leaders will we encounter along the way?

The thought weighs heavily on my mind as I think of the sisters and their roles. I don't doubt their abilities, not one bit, not after what I saw only days ago. They will be great trailblazers and guides of their race—it's more about what we will encounter. They're quiet. Well, Frances is. She is grieving her canine companion. Leander is a constant, never leaving her space - even if she's unaware of it or not, she hasn't said a word to anyone. Not even her sisters.

Mind you, they can link with one another and block us Kings, which they have. The thought makes me chuckle at the look on Stavros's face when he had issues forcing his way into Caraleigh's thoughts. She, not so politely, reminded my brother to stay out, as it is her right to deny him. He didn't like it but complied nonetheless.

Clementina seems to be infatuated with Pippin's findings. She is constantly reading, making her own notes off of the Goddess'. Preparing for her quest. Journeys, I'm not sure where or how to train them for.

'Simple,' Ryken remarks in his nonchalant way. 'You and our brothers will share the knowledge Pippin shared with you when we were first found. I, along with Leander, will focus on strengthening their senses and mobility. Frances will need another guide dog—'

'Easier said than done, Ryken. Dogs, in particular King Shepherds, are extinct. Clem doesn't even remember where he came from. He just arrived one day, trained, ready to be Frances' eyes.'

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