51: Choices

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The viewing globe dissipates along with Kyrios and the others. "I assume this gave you a sense of closure?" Gaea voices from next to me. When Tartarus and Porteous vanished mere minutes ago, the magical sphere that once depicted a burning Earth appeared, broadcasting the aftermath of the latest battle.

My friends and whom I consider family are alright except for a few. A few that should not have ever lost their lives, to begin with.

"I would not say closure, your Honour," I voice boldly. Her frail-looking lips pout in thought. Since I last saw Gaea over a century ago, she has aged in appearance drastically. Still beautiful and alluring to the eye. However, there's now an air of lethargy and perhaps solace that dominates her calm, aloof aura.

"Closure in the context of Porteous no longer being an issue for the Earthlings is what I meant." Looking away, I contemplate and nod with a soft smile. "Good. Walk with me," she encourages, offering the way to the hidden door; all Fates use to enter and exit the Community Hearing Chamber.

The moment I swing the door open, surprise fills my inner being. A rich, diverse botanical garden of which I do not recognize many of the plants, shrubs or trees for that matter greets me. Furthermore, the beaming, unique colours masking most vegetation are peculiarly shaded.

"My own personal collection," Gaea divulges as I cast her a quick nod. We begin to stroll through the manicured pathways winding our way around white marble fountains flowing freely, creating a gleeful sound. The air is thin with the most soothing of scents. It is indescribable as I can't seem to decipher what exactly is giving off the lovely aroma.

"Do you have any questions, Jessaphina?" My eyes focus on the twin moons hanging low, illustrating every crack and crater the brilliant greyish, purple spheres have to offer. "Let me rephrase," she steps next to me and studies the enigma of the moons in front of us. Although the day is vivid with light, their presence is potent and bold, masking the brilliant star that trails behind. "Do you have any questions before your dispensation?"

My sentence. 

Of course. How bad can it be? I spent nearly a hundred years in a dark, damp cell under the thumb of Porteous. Surely, I can deal with whatever they toss my way. I have to... for my Kings, sisters, my people... for Kyrios and Ryken.

I would not consider myself cruel or selfish. All my moves were calculated in the never-ending tango Porteous, and I seemed to partake in since arriving that momentous day. The day he joined me on Earth. I lied for the first to Kyrios and the others. It snowballed from there. I became different and did things I will never forgive myself for.

I tell myself it was survival, and perhaps it was but at the cost of so many. How does that make it right? Why was my life more valuable than theirs?

It isn't.

My hand travels to my belly, resting, protecting. "Will I live long enough to give birth to my mates' pup?" I question firmly. I'm not delusional. I cannot only sense the hormonal change and scent that surrounds me, but the flutters of life growing inside me.

Unlike a human pregnancy term averaging nine months, shifters typically are four months long. Half-breeds six and a half. Lycans and deities... anyone's guess?

"You believe you are with child?" she asks, astonished. Turning to face the indeed elder, her eyes drift to my stomach as she inhales deeply. The softest of grins form on her paper-thin lips. "You are. When?" Stepping closer, she lays her hands on top of mine as the smile breaks into the most delightful of grins I have witnessed to date. "Oh, my Jessaphina, you will have your hands full, indeed."

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