This year the crew was going to Rose's work party - it promised an open bar and a nice venue that offered a balcony where people could break off and search the skies for fireworks if they weren't already watching on the giant projector that was going to be set up. Free food and drinks were everything that Rey needed right now, a welcome distraction from the gnawing ache in her heart that had yet to be fully addressed.

On the morning of New Year's Eve Rey woke up alone, once more clutching on to that damn hoodie she couldn't seem to let go of. Rose still had to work a half day so she was going to be alone until at least well into the afternoon.

Rey got up to feed Chewie and get some coffee, not realizing she had absentmindedly put on the hoodie before she left the room. This is going to be a long day, she thought as she put the hood up and drew the strings closed to cocoon herself. At least she was warm.

Rey went about making herself a latte with Rose's fancy espresso machine, stirring in her milk when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Rey spun around, almost dropping her mug when her eyes settled on the person who had made the noise.

A tall, ginger man was standing near her. Rey grabbed the spoon in her coffee and held it as if it was a knife, splattering some coffee in the process. "W-who are you? How did you get in here?!" she asked, eyes wide and heart racing.

The man held out his hands in a surrendering motion as he spoke, "My name is Hux. I'm a friend of Kylo's. I just wanted to speak to you."

"Kylo? Are you... are you one of them?" Rey whispered even though the apartment was empty save for her and the man before her.

"Well, that's one way to put it, I guess. But yes, I suppose I am one of them if by them you mean a demon," Hux replied, arching an eyebrow at Rey. "Now, would you please put down your oh-so-threatening spoon and give me the pleasure of a chat?"

Rey narrowed her eyes at him, resisting the urge to chuck the spoon at him and run. He looked very human-like for a supernatural being, but then again, so had Kylo. She really had a lot to learn. If she even wanted to be with Kylo after this whole thing was over.

Rey and Hux sat across from each other at the dining table, Rey settling as far away as cordially possible from the being before her. "Okay, you have my attention. Now talk," she bit out, determined to make this visit as short as possible. Unfortunately, Rose wouldn't be done with work for a while so she couldn't use her as a possible saving grace.

"Wow, I can see why Kylo likes you. You're very... feisty," Hux started, looking her over with a hint of a smile.

It was Rey's turn to raise her eyebrows at him, urging him silently to get on with it. Hux sighed before he began again, "I just wanted to offer my support. I'm sure you're not very happy with Kylo right now, for good reason. I wanted to answer any questions you might have and to see if you'd be willing to go back to him - if any of this, is salvageable."

"Why do you care?" Rey asked suspiciously.

"Because, much to my displeasure, that annoying behemoth is one of my closest friends and I know how much he truly cares for you. I haven't gone to visit him yet, but I am sure he is distraught. I can feel as much through his force signature - and it must be quite a lot if I can pick up on it without even checking in on him."

"Force signature? What do you mean?"

"It's every being's natural energies or auras. Supernatural beings are more sensitive to them and we can feel emotions and other things through them sometimes, even communicate through it. But that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is he's an idiot who has never had a relationship despite living since basically the beginning of time, and he thought he was doing the best possible thing by hiding the truth from you until he thought you could handle it - until he thought you would love him enough not to leave him despite his true nature."

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