[This is the first SpaceX building it was the closest I could get to my idea for Izuku's first building. It will get improved.]

Stark Industries 

Izuku arrived at the warehouse and began working. By the time Mei got there Jarvis was wired into the entire building.

"This is so cool!" Mei screamed, voice echoing through the empty building.

"Jarvis, construct a virtual walk around of the building."

"At once sir." Jarvis said as a blue scanner sweeped the building.

"Virtual landscape constructed."

Izuku handed Mei a pair of goggles and put on his helmet. "Pull up the schematics for project 'Big daddy.'

"Large scale arc reactor pieces rendered."

Izuku started a simulated construction of the reactor and moved the massive thing around finding out where to put it.

"Right in the middle of the factory would work." Mei said.

"No then we wouldn't have a rift through the building." Izuku said.

"Oh Jarvis, knock down that wall." Mei said.

"You heard the lady." Izuku said.

The simulator showed the wall being knocked down and Izuku added a dome skylight and expanded the building. "Visible from the front entrance and out of the way of any projects. Perfect, Jarvis connect the water main and Estimate the full sized model and a running cost."

"Power output estimated 56,376,900 Gigajoules. Water bill at (10,000 usd)."

Mei blinked "wait 56,376,900 thats...that could power a 4th of Japan!"

"Seems enough for now." Izuku said grinning. "Once I get a skyscraper and fit the mark 2 reactor we can really start powering the world."

Mei felt a shiver down her back at the thought of something she helped build being used to power the world.

"Sir I've run the numbers and renting the necessary equipment would cost too much to not cause some flags to go up." jarvis said

"Pull up the most broke construction company currently with an official record and zero mafia ties."

"Uraraka Construction. Estimated net value in the red."

"Get them on the phone and schedule a meeting at the bank." Izuku said "And get me about 10% shares in Stark Industries ready for transfer. Stark Construction is ready to begin."

"So you got the name?" Mei asked.

"Yep. Paperwork came in and I'm officially allowed to hire people legitimately." Izuku said reaching into his pocket and handing Mei something attached to a lanyard.

" Izuku said reaching into his pocket and handing Mei something attached to a lanyard

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