Chapter Nine: Stopping the Ape

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The Oozaru relaxed and the moment settled. No one made a sound. No one moved. The air was filled with an uneasy silence as the Oozaru slowly begun to shift and looked up, Dazir falling into its view once again. The monster grits its teeth and growled deeply, stepping forward towards the little old man. Dazir stepped back, stumbling and falling down, and with that the Oozaru was set off, breaking into a run and charging towards Dazir.

Android #17 reacted instantly to fly down and grab Dazir, dropping him out of the way. The little old man cowered and backed off, seeing the giant transformed Noca crash into the rocks. #17 looked down on him.

"Leave, now," he demanded. Dazir looked up and chuckled nervously. The android couldn't tell if this was something Dazir had wanted to see. Meanwhile, Shai and Zala were hidden away, still relatively near to the camping spot. They looked to each other.

"We need to go," Shai said, grabbing Zala's arm and rushing off into the woods.

"Wait, did you leave it back there? Like Omega wanted?" Zala asked, stalling them. Shai got annoyed with Zala and grabbed his arm again.

"Yes, now come on!"

The two rushed away, unnoticed by anybody else. Yento also remained near the camp, and he was slowly backing away into the forest, his eyes fixed on the monster that stood before him. He couldn't quite contemplate what he was seeing. It was new. It was crazy. And it was scary. Yento turned and broke into a run, not thinking to even try and go back for his magic wielding Master. For a moment Yento saw clarity, and in that moment, he stopped running, for only a few seconds. He looked back at the Oozaru again, for a few seconds, and then he turned away again and continued running.

#17 had rushed out into the open again, hoping that he could somehow draw the Oozaru's attention, but he wasn't a fan of being crushed by a giant Saiyan. He knew what he could do to stop it, but it would never be easy. #17 breathed deeply and charged towards the Oozaru's back end, aiming for the tail.

The Android didn't notice that Dazir had moved from his spot, running out into the open again and attempting to use his magic on the giant monster again. This caught the Oozaru's attention, and the magic did nothing. Whatever had happened in that transformation had changed Noca's power. It was something new and far more intense. Dazir found his own magic flying back at him and he had to dodge. Because of this movement from the Oozaru, #17 had missed his target. He turned and saw Dazir as the Oozaru opened its mouth, appearing to charge up an energy blast. #17 knew that was dangerous and charged down in, grabbing onto Dazir and narrowly avoiding the energy wave as it swept through the trees, obliterating the ground. #17 flew through the carnage and reached another rocky area, dropping the old man down on a ledge.

"Leave, or I won't save you next time," #17 yelled into Dazir's face before turning around and blasting off back towards the Oozaru Noca. The Oozaru didn't see #17 fly off with Dazir so it assumed the target had been taken out and now turned around to see who else it could find. It was angry and slammed a hand into the rocks. Nearby, Holline was watching the madness and tried to find somewhere to run away but even though she wasn't nearby, Oozaru Noca's heightened senses picked up the movement and the monster instantly rushed towards the girl. She screamed as the ape came closer. Holline tried to make her way down the rocks, but slipped and fell, hurting herself into the process.

She was clumsily trying to get to safety, so the Oozaru was never going to lose track of her. She managed to get to her feet and rush towards the woods quickly, hoping that the monster would stay near the mountains. The thumping of its feet on the ground was shaking everything and Holline was losing her balance. The huge looming shadow terrified her, but she didn't want to look back and kept moving.

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