Chapter Eight - Queen Merida

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Leading a double life is hard

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Leading a double life is hard. And keeps getting harder, the search continues and I'm juggling that with preparing for the arrival of Queen Merida. It will be nice to see her again, though it hasn't been that long since we were in Scotland. She would want a progress report, wanting to know what she should tell the others. I didn't know what to tell her, apart of me was second guessing myself. If I pulled this off it would change everything, forever. I can imagine the look on my brothers face right now.

"Breanne, what are you doing?" I groaned hearing Mal, I turned on my heal as I sent of the staff with their tasks.

"What does it look like i'm doing planning for Queen Merida's visit." I retort

"But that's my job, as future Queen." she rebuffed and I click my tongue.

"I offered and Ben accepted, Scotland was one of my stops on my soul searching, I've heard what the Queen likes and doesn't."

"You're gonna have to give this up when I become Queen, might as well start now." I wouldn't count on that. But those words never left my lips, she was baiting me.

"Okay, the Scottish delicacy is?" I questioned her but there was no reply "Queen Merida is reported to have a love for? Her favourite sport? Do you know anything?"

"What does that matter?"

"Wow, some future Queen if you can answer those questions. It matters because she is a formidable Ally and either be your friend or your enemy. Do you as 'future Queen' want that?" I ruffled her, bravado dropping "Didn't think so. Now I have to go see Evie about a dress." I shoved my way past her.


I was running late, for the greeting of Queen Merida, I rushed down the halls to the ballroom where it was taking place, the doors opened and  I ran in coming to a screeching halt, in front o fly brother and Mal

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I was running late, for the greeting of Queen Merida, I rushed down the halls to the ballroom where it was taking place, the doors opened and I ran in coming to a screeching halt, in front o fly brother and Mal.

"Sorry." I mumbled before going to stand with Audrey and Harry. I took a deep breath.

"Do you think she'll ask?" Audrey wondered

"Obviously, it's been months since we were there, boldly having a dangerous conversation." Harry retorted

"No need to snap, it was just a question." Audrey huffs

"Stop." i hiss "I'm faltering at it is, I don't need you two arguing and her asking questions especially as the answer still eludes us."

"Bree, you can't falter now, not with everything that's at stake." Harry retorts and Audrey squeezes my hand.

"He's right. We've tried everything else. The sooner we find it, the better." Audrey assures.

"Announcing Her Majesty, Queen Merida of Scotland." the doors opened and in all her glory entered Merida. We bowed, in her presence, my brother and Mal stepped forward.

 We bowed, in her presence, my brother and Mal stepped forward

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"Your majesty, welcome. i hope you have a pleasant stay here with us in Auradon." Ben says. I see her size him up then glance in my direction before turning it back to my brother.

"Thank you King Benjamin, and apologies that we could not officially meet sooner. Times of been hard in my country." Ben nodded

"Please allow me to introduce my fiancee. Lady Mal." I felt the tension rise, she already knew of her from what I told her but she never showed a ounce of difference.

"Lady Mal."

"Your Majesty."

"My sister Breanne...." he gestured for me to come forward which i did "Has planned a exciting visit for you."

"Your majesty."

"I can't wait to see what you have in store."

"I believe that you are fond of the circus act, they have already set up outside, and are practicing for tomorrows performance. I have also asked for myself to be included in the act." I spoke fluent is Gaelic, she smiled

"Yes. I am" She to spoke in Gaelic

"Also we have set up a Archery tournament, it's small and I presumed you would like to be included."

"I like you." she replied. "I think I'm going to enjoy my stay." Merida switched back to normal. Well our normal.


Merida had asked to see me before i joined the rehearsal for tomorrows performance, the mini tournament had already gone down well this afternoon, herself winning the trophy and I going in second. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"Breanne, so nice to see you again. Come in." I did and she motioned for me to sit down. "I presumed you know why I asked you here?"

"Yes. The truth is, we have yet to find, what we're looking for." she hummed then sighed

"Breanne, when you came to me with your two friends I was curious. Not only because you pleaded with me not to let your brother know where you were but the fact that you were brave and bold to sit me down and repeat a story you've told other leaders like myself. You vowed that if it came down to it which it is looking like it is, you would do what needs to be done. But to do that you not only need us but you need the proof that what you were told was not just a story."

"I know." she took my hands

"Being Royal isn't easy, but being a royal with such a dim vision of the future is worse." she sighed "What shall I tell the others."

"Ask me that later...please." she nodded in agreement.

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