Chapter One - Lost Princess Effect

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I'm heading straight for the castle their gonna make me their queen - Halsey, Castle.

Are we the hunter or are we the prey? - Ruelle Game of Survival.


It had been eight months since Bree, Harry and Audrey disappeared, Ben had had search parties looking everywhere for them yet none of them could be found

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It had been eight months since Bree, Harry and Audrey disappeared, Ben had had search parties looking everywhere for them yet none of them could be found. It had cast a shadow over Auradon. Jay had been quiet since and wasn't his bubbly happy go self anymore, he had give up most of his out of school activities and stayed in his room looking at the picture of him and Bree from their first date. Jay spent his time going over everything he could remember about her, in the time leading up to her disappearance. Of course he and the others had made mistakes in the name of protecting her and Auradon but to leave without a word or trace, seemed impossible

Ben had buried himself in work, running the country was his solace because he knew that once he stopped he would be plagued with nightmares of his sister, the last memories of her before she was no longer there, the haunted and upset look of the nightmares she had been plagued with since the Cotillion and how she thought he didn't help her. He often thought that if he did then she would be here now. But it still wouldn't change anything, all he could do was keep searching.

Mal hated to see Ben in this state, it mirrored the country that had lost it's Princess, nothing had been the same since it was reported that Breanne was missing. Mal remembered.


The party was dying down and VK's and AKs were returning to their homes for much needed slumber. Mal saw Ben going round different people talking to them urgently. She tore away from her conversation to speak with him.

"Ben is everything okay?" she asked

"No, I can't find, Bree." he sighed "She seemed in a happy mood, so I thought it would be a good idea to try and talk to her again. Try and sort things out." Mal nodded in understanding.

"She's probably just gone back to her room." Mal suggested to her fiancee

"She hasn't, not her room at the castle or her old dorm room." he told her becoming more agitated.

"Then maybe she's letting off some steam, she can't have gone far, there is people everywhere. Look, get some sleep and I'm sure we'll find her tomorrow" Ben nodded


The next morning he tried again, this time he had the castle staff search as well. His Parents went to their daughters most frequented places, Jay went to ask Audrey.

"Hello Jay, isn't it?" He was met with Queen Leah who was tiding a couple of her granddaughters things.

"Yeah, sorry, have you seen Audrey."

"Oh she left, with Breanne." she smiled kindly and then took her leave. Jay called up the others and met up.

"Breanne's with Audrey. Don't know where here Grandma left before I could ask anything else." there was a small sigh of relief.

CastleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora