"How did you find out?" Draco asked still gaping at her.

"I saw you being nearly assaulted by Cedric in the courtyard the other day. I saw everything. I saw how Harry defended you and I heard what you said when you were together in the hallway." she explained and Draco nodded as he probably thought back to the noise we had heard that day as well. "I also followed you yesterday and found out that you were in this dorm together." she said smiling.

"So," I said, finally able to speak again. "What happens now?" I asked, not too sure what to do or what to expect from her.

"Well, now, I hope you don't mind if I stay and celebrate your son's birthday with you guys?" she said with a small smile and I looked at Draco who seemed to be hesitating for a while before looking up and nodding at me in agreement.

"Sure" I said and she smiled a bit more. She walked towards Draco who had Scorpius in his arms and stood in front of him.

"I wanted to apologize for everything" she said and I frowned. "I shouldn't have said those things to you, it was mean and unnecessary" she said and I growled. Everyone looked at me but I was glaring at Hermione.

"What did you say to him?" I asked in anger.

"It's nothing I hadn't already been told before" Draco quickly said and smiled at me. "It's fine Harry." he said and I could see through his eyes that he was pleading me to not cause a scene. I calmed down and sighed.

"What's his name?" Hermione asked when the tension dissipated. Draco smiled down at Scorpius and kissed his chubby baby cheeks.

"Scorpius" He replied at the same time as Scorpius himself and she smiled.

"Hello Scorpius" she said, smiling at my son and he smiled back at her.

"Hello" he said and she cooed at the sight and made little faces at him to make him laugh while everyone resumed their conversations. Someone knocked on the portrait again and I went to open it.

"Remus" I exclaimed and he smiled at me "Teddy" I said, smiling at my godson. Remus handed me the little boy and we both walked to the common room.

"Teddy meet Scorpius" I said as I stood in front of my giggling son.

"Teddy" he exclaimed and he looked at Teddy with his big eyes and waved excitedly. Teddy smiled back and grabbed his hand in return. Teddy was still too young to actually talk but Scorpius was already able to say a few phrases. We watched as they played together on the blanket I had put down with toys on it earlier today while Scorpius would blabber about everything and nothing even though Teddy could only smile and giggle in return. I poured some firewhisky for everyone and apple juice for the kids and we talked and had a good time together until it was time for the cake.

"Scorpius" Draco called for him and he stood up and ran as fast as he could to his dad. Draco picked him up and sat him on a chair at the table. Blaise took his wand and made the cake appear in the room and float in the air before putting it down on the table in front of him while he laughed and clapped in his hands happily, making Blaise smile widely at his godson.

"Happy Birthday little one" he said once the cake was safely put on the table and kissed his head before ruffling his hair with a smile.

"What do you say Scorpius?" I asked him and he turned to Blaise and smiled.

"Thank you" he exclaimed and I nodded to him when he looked at me for confirmation. We all sang happy birthday to him and then gave some cake to everyone before opening the presents. It was a really happy day today and seeing Scorpius enjoy the day as much as he did made me feel some type of way.

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