As they and the whole country finished watching the clips,Phillip announced "The lifetime achievement award goes to...Ant and Dec!"

The boys stood up,still in disbelief and hugged and kissed Lisa and Ali who were sat next to them,before making their way towards the stage.Ant took Decs hand as they climbed the few stairs and raised it in the air in a sense of triumph.

They then proceeded to make an emotional speech,thanking everyone they could think of.

"But most importantly" Dec continued as they were nearing the end of the speech "we couldn't have done it without each other,so..." he looked at his best friend tearfully.

"Yeah" Ant nodded in agreement,before looking into Decs tear stained eyes "Dec,don't...don't start that"

He pulled Dec in for a loving embrace,unfortunately only being able to use one arm as he was holding his award in the other hand.

"I love ya man" Ant told Dec through the sound of loud applause and cheering "I love you to bits"

They made their way off stage and back to their seats,still totally stunned as they hugged Lisa and Ali once again.

"Well done baby" Ali whispered into Decs ear "I'm so proud you"

"Did you know about this?" Dec asked suspiciously.

"Might have" Ali grinned and kissed Decs cheek before settling back to enjoy the rest of the show.

"What just happened?" Ant laughed at Dec as the after show party began.

"We won a lifetime achievement award apparently" Dec replied as he helped himself to four glasses of champagne and passed them to Ant,Lisa and Ali.

"Yeah,ya did" Lisa smiled.

"Well,I suppose you were in on this too?" Ant enquired while hugging his wife.

"Yep" Lisa announced proudly.

"I can't believe our Mams" Dec frowned "where are they?"

Just at that precise moment,Anne and Christine were escorted into the room to celebrate with their sons.

"There they are" Ant waved towards them to catch their attention "our sneaky Mams"

"Hello lads" Anne grinned.

"Hello Mam" Dec smiled as he embraced her "never expected to see you here"

Anne and Christine had in fact invited themselves down to stay with Ant and Dec for a few days.

As much as the boys were delighted to have them visit,they felt guilty that they would have to leave them while they attended the awards ceremony and had even suggested that they delay the visit until they perhaps had a rare few days free in the future.

Of course Anne and Christine had insisted it was no problem at all and they would just go out for dinner or something together.

Now Ant and Dec knew why they were so insistent on coming at that particular time.

"Well you stitched us up like a kipper this time didn't you?" Ant laughed.

"It wasn't easy to keep it a secret" Christine smiled "especially when you kept going on about the national television awards every bloody time I spoke to you"

"Well,I was excited" Ant grinned "it's always an amazing night out,especially if we win something"

"When don't you win something?" Anne mused.

"Don't jinx it Mam" Dec laughed "you're lucky we didn't spot you tonight though"

"It as like a military operation Declan" Anne laughed "we had to sneak in once you were in your seats"

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