Chapter 35

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Wen Ning came back into the room Wei Wuxian was currently staying in and froze when he had closed to door and looked up at the older boy. The Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple was sitting in the same position he had left him in, silently crying, his eyes unseeing and locked onto something in the far distance.

The Dafan Wen doctor's heart was hurting for the other when he called out, pretending, his voice soft and cheerful: "Young Master Wei, I am back! I have brought you some Lotus Root Pork Rib Soup, I hope you will enjoy it."

Wei Wuxian turned his head in his direction and seeing the younger boy's smile, he smiled right back. When one tear fell onto his hand, he looked down, visibly surprised, and quickly wiped away the rest of the wetness from his cheeks. He looked embarrassed so Wen Ning opted to not ask him what had made him cry; he could already pretty much guess it anyway.

He handed the tray to the older boy and waited patiently until he finished his meal, if Wei Wuxian noticed the lack of meat in his soup, he did not comment on the fact. The Dafan Wen disciple wanted to bring him something that he would enjoy, but with Wei Wuxian being in the condition he was in, he could not give him anything too heavy. It was in reality Jiang Cheng who suggested the soup in the first place, apparently their sister used to cook some for them when they were young.

Wen Ning could see that the older boy was forcing himself to finish the small portion: "It is just as when me and my sister took care of him in Cloud Recess... He was so used to starving that he could not eat a normal portion, he had to first get used to it. I guess it will be the same this time around as well. It is pitiful really. I wonder what made Young Master Wei think that his baby was not safe and to run away... That can wait however, first we need to get him comfortable and preferably get him to accept his Alpha back."

When Wei Wuxian handed him the bowl back, he poured tea for him and contemplated where he should start. In the end, he decided to come at it very slowly, he did not want the older boy to be stressed out again so quickly after just calming down: "Young Master Wei, how are you feeling?"

With the tea cup in his hands, the Yunmeng Jiang disciple turned his head slightly and looked him in the eyes, his lips curling in a small, pained smile: "Wen Ning, thank you again, for everything. I am feeling better already, I guess I will be good as new in no time at all."

The younger boy could not hear any lie in his words and he relaxed slightly. There was however an underlying sad tone in Wei Wuxian's voice, it was quite unsettling, he wanted to get to the bottom of things; he did not like seeing the other suffer anymore. He however maintained the careful approach: "That is good to hear. Can I get you something else?"

The Yunmeng Jiang sect disciple quickly shook his head: "I am good. You should rest Wen Ning; did you not say you were still in heat? I can see you are forcing yourself to take care of me. Believe me, I know fully well how hard it is to keep one's heat in check, you should not force yourself on my behalf."

Wen Ning scowled slightly, he knew that the older boy was looking out for him, he did not believe however that now was a good time for him to go to rest and leave the other all alone. Wei Wuxian must have understood his concerns and he quickly reassured: "I will be alright, do not worry. You need to take care of yourself."

The younger boy was still not sure; true, it was getting harder and harder for him to control his heat as he had to put more than a half of his concentration on that at any given second. But Wei Wuxian should not be alone right now, he needed someone to distract him from his thoughts, so Wen Ning proposed: "Would you perhaps like to talk with Young Master Nie? He was sitting at your bed taking care of you nearly the whole time. I am sure he would be glad to see you are awake."

The older boy's expression brightened, it was apparent he did not want to stay alone with his thoughts at the moment: "Mn, I would like that."

Wen Ning excused himself and went to find Nie Huisang in the room next door and send him over to the pregnant Omega's side. The Qinghe Nie disciple did not object and immediately went out of the room he until now shared with Jiang Cheng, relief apparent on his face. The Dafan Wen disciple was left alone with his husband.

The Yunmeng Jiang sect leader looked ready to explode at any moment, the situation seemed to be stressing him out quite a bit. Wen Ning knew just how much Jiang Cheng hated feeling powerless about not being able to help his brother; he was now a bundle of nerves and he was itching for an output. Wen Ning knew he had to calm him down and distract him, he did not want to take any chances of the output being Wei Wuxian.

He sat on the bed next to his husband and let his self-restraint go, he was immediately overcome by the until now supressed heat. Jiang Cheng snapped his head up and looked at him, his Alpha instincts taking over him, he immediately started disrobing the younger boy with vigour and taking care of him in the way Wen Ning appreciated the most.

Their time was heated and uncontrolled, both let themselves be smitten by their most animalistic desires until they were left panting and weak from pleasure in a mutual tanged position. Jiang Cheng above with his seemingly endless amount of energy, and Wen Ning spreading himself helplessly and submissively on the mattress, letting his Alpha take him.

When the younger boy finally started to acknowledge his surroundings again, he felt he was laying on a warm chest and Jiang Cheng was playing with his hair. He rose his head to look at the other and was greeted by a gentle kiss, the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader was devoid of his previous vigour and anger, content with their current position. Wen Ning was glad, now he would be able to talk with him.

"Jiang Cheng..." he started cautiously, not sure how to continue and express himself so the older boy would not be enraged again and would not do anything rash to ruin his plan. He buried his head back into his husband's chest, not wanting to look at the other's reaction to his words.

There was only a non-committal sound coming from the older boy as he continued to brush his fingers through Wen Ning's hair. The Dafan Wen disciple took a deep breath and steeled himself: "I am worried about Young Master Wei. He needs his Alpha by his side, just as I need you. But he is afraid of him right now. I think it is still too soon to get him to talk about his reasons if he does not want to..."

He did not want to stir unwanted memories in the other, he was still ashamed of his negligence when he had forgotten about his upcoming heat, but what he needed to say could not wait any longer: "They both need each other; you saw how broken Young Master Lan was and how desperately he was looking for his husband, just like you in the forest the other day. I think... You should perhaps go talk to your brother and explain how it felt not knowing where I was and not being able to be by my side. Young Master Wei trusts you, perhaps you can convince him to accept his husband at his side."

There was a long silence, Jiang Cheng's hand came to a halt. Wen Ning did not have enough courage to look up and he only helplessly prayed for his husband to understand his point. He knew how much the older boy hated talking about his emotions and feelings but he also knew he cared very much about his brother and that was what he bet his chances on. He was the only one who could possibly help Wei Wuxian understand Lan Wangji's part of the ordeal and make him realize that they both need each other.

After long seconds which seemed more like hours, the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader lifted Wen Ning's head to look him in the eyes. The younger boy tried to convey all his determination and pleas in his eyes. Jiang Cheng sighed and sat up with the younger boy in his lap. He shook his head and looked down at the other, their lips touching lightly in a most chaste kiss Wen Ning ever experienced.

"Wait here, I will go talk to my brother."

Happy new year everyone!Thank you for all your support and comments, it means a lot to me, I love reading what you think about the story :)I am back from holiday so we will resume the previous updating schedule (although I have managed to somehow keep it all the while, yay!)

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