(32) Roses are Red

Start from the beginning

John lifted his head up as I nodded, he wasn’t lying. “Continue . . .”

“And I’ve convinced the government to let you be since your dangerous, but, but he said: ‘I’ll let them be, but he needs to give me three of his Elite fighters to work for us.’” he sighed pulling his shades off tracing his slender fingers on his face.

“John?” my husband was pale white.
“Three?” he sighed, “three of our best fighters, I can’t let them go, Lizabeth is one of our best hand to hand fighters. But we have Arianna, Vladimir, Asher and Ashton.” John sighed crossing his arms over his chest, “I’ll speak to them.”


When they left, John stayed back in his office telling me to let Arianna, Vladimir, Asher and Ashton got to see him. I went downstairs to the basement door hearing talking and laughter. I opened the metal door seeing them.
All of them turned to look at me when the sound of the door echoed in there. The AC was on and they were watching a movie.

“Oh, they left?” Allen – a member – said getting up from the sofa passing me by, his dark eyes glaring at me as he went. The rest stayed as they said they were going to continue watching the movie se7en a 1995 mystery movie.

I went to Vladi and Arianna telling them to go with Asher and Ashton to John’s office. Just then Jared entered the front door followed by his mother that smiled when her brown eyes met mine.

“Patty!” she yelled happily as she hugged me, Jared smiled as he waved then he greeted Liz kissing her cheeks, “how have you been? You asked me to come over, something wrong?”
We then walked to the separate living room.


I can’t let anyone of the family get hurt, nor anyone from the gang get to jail cause of father’s choice in life. I’ll let these four work under the CIA for a year. But I talked to Tyler about them going to England for school.

Then Arianna, Vladimir, Asher and Ashton entered my office closing the door behind them, “you okay uncle?” Vladimir asked sitting on a stool across from me. His pale brown eyes observing my every move.

Their files were on the table together with the contract over them.

“We have a problem.” I said pushing the sheet with an arm forward to Ashton as the eldest.

His blue eyes reads it and they widen, as he reads his eyes widened as his pupils shrunk. “what the hell?!”

Then Vladimir snatched the white sheet from him reading, “why is the government asking for three elite?” he asked eyeing the sheet his hear tilled slightly up.

“as it’s written on the contract they need someone to eliminate a mafia in England and you four are going there in a few days so I thought: ‘why not you four?’ but of course three of you are going to be in the mission. Who wants to?”

Vladimir was the first to say, “nope, I’m out of this, the last people I’ll work for is the government, you three will do it!”
Arianna and the others agreed into doing it and signed the contract and left the room.

“Things are gonna change here.” I muttered to myself as father walked in, his blue-grey eyes send chills down my spine, his black hair hidden under a fancy hat, his hands clasped behind him as mother entered with him.

“Johannes.” Mother said clasping my hands in hers, “Tell me, what does that tattoo on our body mean?”

Father growled, “Grace, let him, when his gang falls into dust, its him.”
Mother turned to him, “Lorenzo! Requerda, his place was made as a shelter even if we make people shrink in fear we have some people to take care of.”

He sighed, “Whatever.”

“So?” Mother’s brown eyes twinkled as she waited for the answer.

“The red Roses mean the main family branch— . . .”

I was cut off my her saying: “not that honey, the tattoo itself, why we made that one as the mark and what the meaning behind the mark.”

I then remember, “the deceasing rose means how it fought till the end and hands it power to the younger on, and the needles on them means how a rose protect themselves from predators into snatching them. Right?”


We reached the end of the story kids!!! Aah happy new years for ya’ll! This story ended weird but the sequel of part two of four will continue explaining the story. While February egts here I’ll be editing the book to fix some things my computer changed.

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