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Hello, new readers! I say that because this story has actually been up on my account for about 6 years now, and this is like the third or fourth version of this story I have written, but I believe it to be the definitive edition. I began writing and planning all of this when I was 12 and I'm about to turn 25 now, so... yeah, lots of changes in that time.

I want to keep this introduction brief so that new readers can get right into the story. I welcome all reviews, I love a good positive comment or even a question about something you don't quite understand. I will say, if you have a negative thing to say please make sure it is CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. Don't say you don't like something or think I've done something stupid if you can't back it up with what I could do better, or why you don't like something. I'm eager to keep learning and considering I am trying to write professionally I want to make sure I am the best I can possibly be.

Now, some info, this is set 7 years after the end of Dragon Ball Z, features many characters from the show and even some aspects of Dragon Ball Super, but they are typically adapted to fit the confines of my canon. I also have a lot of my own original characters, both heroes and villains. I wanted to tell a completely new story in this universe. My own story.

Main characters are Noca and Pan, and there is romance between the two that develops as time goes on, but I am not a romance writer and consider the adventure and action aspect of the story the focus.

I don't really think I need to drop anything else here. Thank you and please enjoy Dragon Ball AG!


"Bold" = Speech e.g. "Hi, I'm Noca." He Said

"Bold Italics" = Thoughts e.g. "Darn It!" He thought.

Underlined Italics = Dream Sequence

"Underlined Italics" = Speech within Dream Sequence

Dragon Ball AG

The Journey Begins

Prologue – Age 791

This new journey begins years after the last ended.

It is currently Age 791 and 17 years ago a great man known to (almost) everyone as Son Goku, and his Z-Fighters, managed to defeat the impossible evil of Kid Buu. After Kid Buu was defeated Goku hoped that he would be able to have another chance to fight him again, but as a good person.

Goku's hopes came true and 10 years later he met Uub, the newly reincarnated Kid Buu. Goku enjoyed a great fight against the young boy, but the fight itself just presented another chance for Goku to keep himself busy.

The great warrior decided that he would take it upon himself to take Uub back to his village and train him to be his eventual successor.

The only problem with Goku leaving was that he would be leaving his family once again.

Out of all the friends and family that would be left behind, the most upset was his 4-year-old granddaughter, Pan.

7 years later and Pan is still trying to deal with her grandfather leaving, but that isn't what our story focusses on yet. The main focus on this story is the arrival of another person capable of being the successor to Goku and one day protecting the Earth, and all of its people. So, let us move onto the next part of our story about a young boy named Noca.

But before we join the young boy, let us learn a little bit about what led Noca to being where he was. To do so, we need to go back a long time and a long way from planet Earth. That's right. Noca's family were not completely human. Noca was part Saiyan on his mother's side, and he had known this his whole life, he did still have a tail after all.

Noca's mother, Emna was the first Saiyan in Noca's family to be born on Earth, and she had been taught all about her family, so she passed the knowledge on down to her son. Emna's father, Cilu, was a full blooded Saiyan, and the son of the Saiyan Kayu. Kayu never made it to Earth, dying after being caught in a surprise attack upon leaving planet Vegeta with his son. Cilu, originally had a Saiyan wife and a son, but both of them perished in the same attack meaning that Cilu was the last remaining member of that family.

When Cilu arrived on Earth he was found by a man from a local village and taken back there. The village in the mountains was desolate but began to thrive with great farming and the building of technology as Cilu took what he knew from his time on the Saiyan home-world and applied it to his time on Earth. Over time, Cilu became the youngest man to take the title of village elder, he renamed the village after his father, Kayu, and he married a human woman and they had a child, that child was Emna. Cilu always told his daughter about Saiyans and the two were very close.

One day, when Emna was very young, tragedy struck Cilu once more when his human wife went missing, never to be seen again. Cilu searched for a long time, never finding her and deciding that he should focus on raising his daughter. That was until Emna turned 16-years-old and the tragedy shifted. This time, Cilu was found dead one day. Emna was taken in by the new village elder, Sala, and Emna soon became a very respected member of the village herself.

Emna also became involved with a local man and the two had a child together, that child, Noca, was obviously a Saiyan as well. And he was born with a tail, and Emna hadn't let on about her Saiyan heritage. This terrified the father, who took off, never returning. Emna was never sure why he left but she decided she didn't need someone to help raise her son and she brought the boy up by herself.

12-years-later and Noca was a functioning member of the village. Doing the same work his grand-father had done all those years and even travelling around nearby villages to help out and to bring supplies back. Noca knew he wasn't human, he knew he had an unusual amount of latent power, but he wasn't one to fight.

That was about to change...

Dragon Ball AG: Saga One - The Journey BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now