Ch 7: The New World

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Pov Izuku

I have been sailing for the past few days catching breakfast, lunch and dinner from the sea. Luckily preparing my own food for most of my life is useful. I used lots of spices to try to change the taste and not get sick of it, it was working so far. With the calculations done in my head I should arrive to my destination in a day and a half, assuming smooth sailing. 'I wonder how my family reacted to me leaving,' Izuku thought to himself.

Izumi pov.

After celebrating my birthday with my family, mom and dad praised me for accepting dad's quirk. "Honey I know you will do great," Inko told her daughter. "THE FUTURE IS IN GREAT HANDS!" Toshinori told his family. With lots of hugs Izumi retreated into her room to go to bed. 'Best day ever,' she thought until realizing that she didn't see or hear her brother celebrating. 'He probably went to bed early,' Izumi thought and believed, but she was extremely wrong.

Next day.

Izumi woke up and went to meet up with her friends. "Hey Guys," Izumi happily greeted her friends. "Izumi how was your birthday?" Shoto asked his friend. "Awesome, I learned that if I train enough, I can super charge my quirk!" Izumi told her group. 'Must not fall behind,' Izumi's three friends thought in unison. "Hey Izumi have you seen izuku," Shota suddenly asked Izumi. "No but he usually get up early to do something," replied Izumi with a shrug. The friend group hung out for the rest of the day and enjoyed each others company.

The next day

Inko pov.

"Hey Izumi has izuku finished his chores yet?" Inko asked her daughter. Izumi simply shrugged and ran off to start her training her her father. 'When was the last time I saw izuku, and spoke to him?' Inko questioned herself only to stop when seeing a hostage situation on the news. Inko quickly ran up stairs and changed into her hero costume and flew to do her job.

Upon reaching her destination Inko or Green Tornado promptly used her telekinesis to separate the hostages from the villain. After detaining the villain she checked up on the victims a small child and his mother. Looking at the mother's reaction to her child, made Inko remember how she had not spoken to her son for a long time, so she went home to apologise for being too focused on Izumi, but she way too late.

Home, night time

Inko entered her home to see her husband carrying her daughter to bed. "Hey honey, how was training Izumi, and have you seen Izuku?" Inko whispered to her husband, Toshinori. " Izumi did amazing but she tired her self out, and I've not seen Izuku, why," replied Toshinori. "I feel like we have been neglecting him lately and I wanted to make it up to him" Inko replied. "When was the last time you saw him?" Inko asked her husband. "In not sure maybe a couple days ago?" Toshinori relied thinking, 'maybe we are bad parents, I don't remember me talking to him much..' Inko and Toshinori then called the Bakugo's, Todoroki's and asked if they have seen Izuku and they got a firm no. The parents proceeded to wake up Izumi.

"Izumi have you seen your brother?" Inko asked her sleepy daughter. "No mom last I saw him was at school, why," Izumi replied sleepy wanting to go back to bed. Inko promptly bust into tears and called the police to search for her son.

One week later
Inko now with dark bags under her eyes finally got news on Izuku from the police. "Sorry, to say this but we found a journal and red shoes in the Ocean with a destroyed boat. We checked the journal and found the name Izuku Midoria in it. Our men checked to see if there were any survivors but none were recovered. Sorry for for loss," was all the police officer said before hanging up.

The Midoria's were distraught and searched for a another month before holding a funeral for Izuku. Izumi blamed herself for Izuku's death, and fell into depression and her three friends all handled it differently. Katsuki started training more to occupy himself. Katsuki also blamed himself for Izuku's death. Shota became more distant and stopped talking as much. Shoto didn't change much, but he did promise himself to never pick on the weak again. Inko did less hero work and more charity work, and Toshinori engrossed himself in his hero work.

Last week
Pov Izuku

I finally made it to my destination, but could find nothing but water, no land or anything. I considered heading back until the once clear sky became cloudy. The wind picked up and the waves increased in size. Struggling to keep the boat upright for nearly half a hour, one final giant wave capsized the boat. Izuku was battered back and forth between the waves until he drifted into unconsciousness, the last thing he saw was a giant whirlpool which swallowed him whole.

Pov ???

I was walking along the beach and saw what looked like a kid my age in the water passed out. I quickly jumped in a dragged the kid to our towns doctor to get him recovered. The kid slept for a few days before finally opening his eyes...

Pov Izuku

Pain all I felt was pain, and took a while but I finally managed to open my eyes to see a unknown location and a 'girl' sitting next to me. "Oh hey your awake, my name is Tashigi Zoro, and I come from a great line of swordsmen!" The girl now known as Tashigi excitedly introduced herself. 'Swordsman? What,' was all Izuku thought until passing out once more. "Oh dear seems he's still pretty injured, why don't you come back later," the doctor told Tashigi.

Ahh ending it on a cliff hanger. Thanks for reading if you enjoyed make sure to like! Also happy New Year's everyone!!!! 🎉🎉🎉

Sorry this chapter was supposed to come out earlier but it didn't save for what ever reason... anyways the next chapter will give Izuku new goals to active so I hope your ready!!


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