♥36♥ never-ENDING loop

Start from the beginning

Katsuki fell to the ground. 

"What have I done...?" Ranfa lost all hope to do anything. There's nothing she could do-

Katsuki forced himself up on one knee. He had the Book of Will opened. 


With the last of his strength, he flowed the remaining of his Magic into the book the Rat Zodiac brought here. 

"Katsuki, what are you-" 

"While it's true the story will end tragically in this world, hope will exist in another world. Everyone will be reborn in new worlds."

'He's trying to rewrite the story?!' Ranfa watched in surprise. 

"The soul of Ranfa will watch all the other worlds. She will watch all of the worlds repeat until there's a world where Michiyo and Yuuki overcome all of the despair destined for them!" For the sake of Michiyo, Ranfa, and Yuuki...Katsuki was willing to not only use the remaining of his Magic but the remaining of his life! He'd rather be dead because he did all he could for the girls and not because of some poison!


"It's a sad story..." Blood was coughed out and it landed onto the pages before him but he kept speaking. "Michiyo and Yuuki will succeed because I believe in them. The people who love them will believe in them and support them. And when Michiyo is able to overcome the day she is destined to die, Ranfa will be freed from the hourglass and she will decide her path...!"

"Katsuki...stop. At this rate, you will-" 

Katsuki smiled at Ranfa, "Even if it's impossible for Ranfa to remember, that's okay...that's okay because Eijirou will remember until there is a world where he becomes her Hero and she accepts she is saved by him. The day you accept you are saved by Eijirou in a new world, another will be born, I want to see a world where I will meet you, Michiyo, and Yuuki." Katsuki looked down and he saw he was disappearing like a demon. Ah. He's going to die like the demons do, huh? 

"Katsuki! No! Don't disappear! Katsuki!" 

"Even if I don't remember a thing when I am reborn, I will be their forever ally. I am a Hero after all." Katsuki peacefully closed his eyes and he disappeared with a satisfied smile on his face. 

The book fell to the ground and Ranfa watched it disappear too. 

"Katsuki..." He disappeared leaving so many things for her. She just sat there and she cried. She will watch so many things that will break down her despair. However, it's Katsuki's words and Eijirou's last words that will keep her going for what felt like eternity...

Back with Michiyo, she was holding to her baby and she was shedding tears. 

"Michiyo, why are you crying?" Shouto walked over to her and he held her close. "Did you have a bad dream?" 

"Katsuki, Yuuki, or Eijirou-san...I saw them in my dream and they're not coming back." 

"Not coming back- Katsuki..." 

"They said, they will meet me again in another world. Shouto..." 

Shouto hugged her and he let her cry against his shoulder. 


The news spreaded fast. Katsuki left and he never returned. Michiyo always found herself at the garden and look up at the sky. She always wished Eijirou will come landing as a massive dragon and Katsuki and Yuuki will jump down from his back. She wished for those happy days to come back but they never will come...

The people of Somewhole Village were sad and they decided to pass their story onto their children. 

The hotel where Ranfa and Eijirou once stayed at, the staff found the sterling silver necklace with a K at the back. Ranfa must have forgotten about it...

Like the Rat Zodiac had said, this world's people was slowly guiding themselves to an inevitable bad ending. However, for the time being, humans will continue to live each and everyone's ending will soon become one. Soon. Soon...

Katsuki was walking along the river. He looked ahead and he could see a torii gate. When he saw wandering souls walk through it, he couldn't see them again. He must be at the place where souls go to rest. 

"Heh, I knew I'd find you here, you stupid wolf." Sitting either side of the river were a bed of red spider lilies. However, he found a familiar person. She must have been here for a long time since Ranfa decided to stop being her and started to be herself again. 


"Yo, stupid wolf. What are you doing here?" 

Yuuki didn't say anything, "Eijirou passed by and he said sorry to me and he's going ahead. he said he's going to become Ranfa's Hero. Master, I-" 

"Yuuki, I have a question for you." 


"Everything we went through, was everything a lie?" 

Yuuki tearfully looked at him, "For Ranfa, it was just an escape route for her to succeed. But to me, it was real. I had fun. I loved it..." Yuuki started to cry, "It was short, but I was happy being alive as Yuuki and being able to meet you, Eijirou, Shouto, and Michiyo...I was happy."

Katsuki hugged her to him. Yuuki gasped and she hugged him back jut as tightly. They couldn't be together in this world...


"Me too. I was happy." 

"I'm sorry, Master...Master, I'm sorry." 

"I'll forgive you if you walk through the torii with me." 

Yuuki looked at the torii gate. "I don't want to go through it. If I go through it and I don't meet Master, what then?" 

"You will meet me." 

"You promise?" 

"Ah." He held her hand and he took her with him. 



She wanted to give him another flower. She gave him a red spider lily. 

"Thank you." Katsuki accepted the flower. However, when they passed through the torii gate together, the lily fell into the water...

The End

"You motherfucker! Fight me like a man!" A very young Bakugou Katsuki was fighting a honey badger with beady blue eyes! It was a comical battle between a little boy and a little honey badger. 

When the little boy stops the silly battle because he was tired, a small friendship will form between the boy and the honey badger. 

He will name the honey badger, Yuuki.

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