20: the blushing cheeks you have

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"I will get married to her."

I surprisingly looked at Heeseung, and quickly behaved myself when Nari clapped her hand. Heeseung wrapped his arm around my shoulder, then pulled me closer to him.

"Congratulations! When will both of you get married? Am I invited?"

"Of course. I have been dreaming of this chance for a long time ago. I can't wait to see her every day and have kids with her."

Nari laughed and patted Heeseung on the shoulder. Again, my cheeks heated and blushed when I heard that escaped from his mouth.

Nari and Heeseung laughed harder when they saw my blushing cheeks. I lowered my head and brushed my cheeks gently while telling myself to stop blushing over his words. It was so easy to get blushed, I couldn't hide them properly at all.

"Her cheeks turn red. That's cute."

I scooped my cheeks and got so embarrassed when they kept teasing me. I took a glance at Jake who was still with Nari and immediately looked away when our gazes met. He brushed his hair out of his face and cleared his throat before speaking up.

"I will stay in the car. Go to your husband."

Jake glanced at Nari, then left us without bidding a goodbye. Nari hugged me in a short time, "I will leave first."

Heeseung and I bid her goodbye. I stayed in the position and didn't turn my body to look at Jake who was walking out of the boutique alone.

As soon as he left, I exhaled deeply and smiled at Namjin and Jaehyuk as they came toward us with the wedding dress on their body.

"Is that Jake?" Namjin raised her eyebrows and looked at Jake in confusion. I glued my gaze at her and slowly nodded.

"Let's meet Mrs.Jeon."


Jaehyuk and Namjin were still with Mrs.Jeon in the fitting room. I was too exhausted from
waiting for them to be finished with their work, so, I took a rest on the couch while drinking a cup of coffee that Heeseung bought for me from the vending machine.

A smile formed on my face when Heeseung came toward me with the coffee in his hand. He smiled at me back and sat next to me while enjoying the view from the top of the building.

"How are you feeling?"

He spoke up and shifted his gaze to me. I looked at him and chuckled when I understood the gaze that he gave me. He talked about Jake.

"I'm good."

"Don't you feel anything when you meet him?"

I replied calmly,
"I was surprised when I saw him. I felt nothing other than that."

Heeseung slowly nodded and got off his seat causing me to look at him blankly. He drank the coffee in a few shots and came towards me before reaching his hand to me, waiting for me to hold him. I was in confusion and wondered where did he want to bring me to.

I looked at him and gently held his hand.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me curiously.

PLAYBOY [제이크]ᴇɴ⁃ Vol.2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя